
unusual facts about These Words

Angela Aki

Angela's first marriage was to an engineer, producer and artist Tony Alany, who co-produced her first album These Words in Vienna, VA, US.


Giantsteps was nominated for "Best Visual Effects" at the 2006 MVPA Awards for its work on the Natasha Bedingfield video entitled These Words.


It spawned the singles "Single", "These Words", "Unwritten", which later served as the theme song from MTV reality series The Hills, "I Bruise Easily" and "The One That Got Away" (which was only released in North America).

see also


These words are often used to describe anything related to that number (e.g., undenary chess is a chess variant with an 11×11 board, or the Millenary Petition of 1603).


:At this sight and these words Astyages, wishing to avenge the son of Artembares for his father's sake, sent for the cowherd and his boy.

Carl G. Fisher

Will Rogers remembered Fisher as a Florida pioneer with these words: Fisher was the first man to discover that there was sand under the water...sand that could hold up a real estate sign.

Come Live with Me

"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love", a 16th-century poem by Christopher Marlowe that begins with these words

Eko Eko Azarak

Another variant of the chant expanded the Eko, eko opening to four lines, using these words to salute various Wiccan deities, typically Cernunnos and Aradia.

Five Thieves

The group of five evils comprises Kam (lust), Krodh (rage), Lobh (greed), Moh (attachment) and Ahankar (ego) in Sanskrit; translated into English these words mean lust/addiction, wrath/rage/anger, materialistic greed, attachment/worldly infatuation and ego/pride respectively.

Francesco Alidosi

Cardinal Pietro Bembo described him with these words: "Faith meant nothing to him, nor religion, nor trustworthiness, nor shame, and there was nothing in him that was holy."

Japanese pronouns

Some linguists suggest that the Japanese language does not have pronouns as such, since, unlike pronouns in most other languages that have them, these words are syntactically and morphologically identical to nouns.

King Nothing

This is a nod to one of Metallica's most famous songs, "Enter Sandman", which also features these words.


Kwon Su-wan, director of the zoo in Seoul, said: "We plan to conduct further studies with keepers, veterinarians and scientists on whether Kosik understands the meaning of these words as he speaks them."

Lester Novros

Former student and friend George Lucas penned these words for the introduction of the manuscript: "The first time I truly understood the unique quality of film was when I took Les Novros' class. Stressing that film is a kinetic medium, Les has kept the Eisenstienian flame burning at USC, and it is a tradition that has strongly influenced my work."

Seal of Massachusetts

The source is attributed to the letter written by a father of an English soldier and politician Algernon Sidney: "It is said that the University of Copenhagen brought their album unto you, desiring you to write something therein; and that you did scribere in albo these words: 'Manus haec inimica tyrannis ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem'".


These words were also used to imprecisely refer to the equipment used to perpetrate their crimes, such as gas chambers and Zyklon B.

The Grudge Match

The show began, ended, and led into every commercial break with either Nick or Lisa yelling, "Don't get mad...", and the audience yelling, "GET EVEN!" These words are also the chorus lyrics of the show's theme tune, composed by prolific UK TV composer Paul Farrer, whose other game show music compositions include The Chase and Weakest Link.

Toshiyuki Tsuru

Toshiyuki Tsuru (都留 稔幸) was the director of the 3rd Naruto movie, Dai Kofun! Mikazuki Jima no Animal Panic Dattebayo! These words translate into The Animal Riot of Crescent Moon Island.