In 2010, Stephens also applied for the Thiel Fellowship, a program founded by Peter Thiel which grants fellows US$100,000 to forgo college for two years and focus on their passions.
Guggenheim Fellowship | The Fellowship of the Ring | Peter Thiel | Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons | Freestyle Fellowship | Fellowship of Christian Athletes | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation | Robert Burns Fellowship | Fellowship of Reconciliation | fellowship | The Perry Bible Fellowship | Tamiko Thiel | National Heritage Fellowship | Mission Aviation Fellowship | Harkness Fellowship | Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International | Fokker F28 Fellowship | Thiel College | Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | Nieman Fellowship | International Fellowship of Evangelical Students | Ichthus Christian Fellowship | Guggenheim fellowship | Fellowship (medicine) | fellowship (medicine) | Fellowship | Evangelical Fellowship of Canada | Dickens Fellowship | Conservative Christian Fellowship |