Fokker F28 Fellowship, a Dutch commercial passenger jet produced between 1967 and 1987
Guggenheim Fellowship | Fokker | The Fellowship of the Ring | Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons | Freestyle Fellowship | Fellowship of Christian Athletes | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Fokker Dr.I | Fokker D.VII | Fokker 100 | Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation | Robert Burns Fellowship | Fokker 50 | Fellowship of Reconciliation | fellowship | The Perry Bible Fellowship | National Heritage Fellowship | Mission Aviation Fellowship | Harkness Fellowship | Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International | Fokker F.VIII | Fokker F.VII | Fokker F28 Fellowship | Fokker F27 Friendship | Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | Nieman Fellowship | International Fellowship of Evangelical Students | Ichthus Christian Fellowship | Guggenheim fellowship | Fokker V.17 |
In the end, the airline operated and owned five (5) Fokker F28 Fellowship twin jet aircraft and roughly $5 million in parts.
As a result, Time Air briefly operated other aircraft types, including a number of Convair CV- 580 and Convair CV-640 turboprops as well as the Fokker F27 Friendship turboprop and Fokker F28 Fellowship jet.