
3 unusual facts about Think tank

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology

POST works closely with a wide range of organisations involved in science and technology, including Select Committees, all-party parliamentary groups, government departments, scientific societies, policy think tanks, business, academia and research funders.

Think tank

Maastricht in the Netherlands is also the headquarters of the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) a "think and do tank" with a Europe and Africa focus.


The head office for RUDSETI, a self-employment training institute, is also located here, as is the Institute for Social Engineering, a Think tank.

Amateur professionalism

The concept and terms have been used, since 2004, as a descriptor for an emerging sociological and economic trend of "people pursuing amateur activities to professional standards", as described by Demos, a British think tank, in the 2004 book The Pro-Am Revolution co-authored by eclectic writer Charles Leadbeater.

Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis

Adonis has worked for a number of think tanks, is a board member of Policy Network and is the author or co-author of several books, including several studies of the British class system, the rise and fall of the Community Charge, and the Victorian House of Lords.

Andrew Haldenby

Andrew Haldenby is a co-founder of the think tank Reform (in 2001, with Nick Herbert), and has been its Director since May 2005.

Andrew Krepinevich

Following his retirement from the Army, Krepinevich assumed his current position as director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a non-profit think tank focused on defense and national security issues.

Center for an Urban Future

The Center for an Urban Future is an American public policy think tank based in Manhattan, a borough of New York City in the United States.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

The treatment has also raised concerns in the LGBT community following an essay posted to the forum of the Hastings Center, a think tank devoted to bioethics, which quoted published research that suggested that pre-natal treatment of female fetuses could prevent those fetuses from becoming lesbians after birth, may make them more likely to engage in "traditionally" female-identified behaviour and careers, and more interested in bearing and raising children.

Conservative Technology Forum

After it was relaunched as the Conservative Technology Forum, with a remit to cover advanced technologies in general, a centre-right, policy "think tank", 'Aediles', chaired by Malcolm Harbour MEP and directed by Simon Moores, was also formed, in 2002.

Free Africa Foundation

The Free Africa Foundation is a Washington, D.C.-based think tank headed by economist George Ayittey which criticizes corruption, oppression, and mismanagement in African governments, and advocates for democratic reform.

George Lakoff

Between 2003 and 2008, Lakoff was involved with a progressive think tank, the Rockridge Institute, an involvement that follows in part from his recommendations in Moral Politics.

Between 2003 and 2008, Lakoff was involved with a progressive think tank, the now defunct Rockridge Institute.

Gesine Schwan

In September 1974, she was one of the founding members of the Seeheimer Kreis, a conservative think tank within the SPD.

Inclusive capitalism

Allen Hammond is Vice President of Special Projects and Innovation at the World Resources Institute: a Washington, DC-based, non-profit, environmental, think tank created in 1982 through a $15 million donation by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation of Chicago (World Resources Institute website 2008).

Institute for Zionist Strategies

The Institute for Zionist Strategies (IZS) is an Israeli policy and research think tank that is ideologically Zionist.

John Laughland

He is also the European director of the European Foundation, a eurosceptic think-tank chaired by Bill Cash MP.

John Stagliano

Stagliano espouses a libertarian political philosophy, and has been a significant financial contributor to the Cato Institute and the Reason Foundation, both libertarian think tanks.

Manfred Gerstenfeld

He is a member of the Board of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, a Jerusalem based think tank He was chairman of the Board from 2000 until 2012.

Manhattan Research

Manhattan Research, LLC is an American think tank organization based in New York, New York that provides information on issues, attitudes and trends related to technology use and adoption by consumers and health professionals in the United States, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Mershon Center for International Security Studies

The Mershon Center is an academic think tank at the Ohio State University in the United States.

Morton Halperin

He served in the Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton administrations and in a number of roles with think tanks and universities such as the Council on Foreign Relations and Harvard University.

Nathan Shamuyarira

In June 2006 he accused the International Crisis Group think tank of calling for a coup against President Robert Mugabe in the Zimbabwe's Continued Self-Destruction paper.

Oakland Institute

The Oakland Institute is a progressive think tank founded in 2004 by Anuradha Mittal, the former co-director of Food First.

Oklahoma Policy Institute

The Oklahoma Policy Institute (OK Policy) is a nonpartisan think tank located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Omar Said Al-Hassan

Omar Said Al-Hassan is the Chairman of the Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies, a London based think tank which gathers, and publishes information about the Persian Gulf states, and Arab issues in general.

Political and Economic Planning

Political and Economic Planning (PEP) was a British policy think tank, formed in 1931 in response to Max Nicholson's article A National Plan for Britain published in February of that year in Gerald Barry's magazine The Week-End Review.


ResPublica (from the Latin phrase, res publica meaning 'public thing') is a British independent public policy think tank, founded in 2009 by Phillip Blond.

The Cicero Foundation

The Cicero Foundation (CF) is an independent nonprofit pro-EU and pro-Atlantic think tank, based in Maastricht (The Netherlands) and Paris (France).

University of Toronto School of Public Policy and Governance

The school internship partners include the Canadian Federal Public Service, the Ontario Public Service, the City of Toronto, the City of Mississauga, as well as many non-governmental organizations and research think tanks.

Vilnius letter

Such criticism may hint at the Vilnius letter as a tool for U.S. policies to divide and rule, citing essays from the think tank PNAC.

Whitworth University

Stephen C. Meyer (1980), executive officer and co-founder of the Discovery Institute, a Seattle based think tank promoting the inclusion of Intelligent Design in the biological sciences, and one-time philosophy professor at Whitworth.

see also

Bert Anciaux

Following the 1998 White Marches provoked by the publication of official reports on the Affaire Dutroux, Anciaux founded the think-tank, later political group, iD21, which aimed to confront the corruption and incompetence which the Dutroux affair had brought to light.


Beyond Zero Emissions, an Australian-based, not-for-profit climate change solutions think-tank

Carnegie Foundation

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a foreign-policy think tank based in Washington, D.C.


The Center for Financial Services Innovation, a non-profit think tank serving the underbanked, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois


Contributors have included John Thune, Roger Bate, Herbert London, David Frum and many other Republican and conservative think-tank and media figures.

Eric Fanning

He also worked at Business Executives for National Security, a Washington, D.C.-based think-tank and at Robinson, Lerer & Montgomery, a strategic communications firm in New York City.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Edward J. Nell and Karim Errouaki started in NY another action think tank bringing together leading world actors and leading world thinkers around a very focused set of issues and a clearly defined work-plan and time table.

Food First

Founded in 1975 by Frances Moore Lappé and Joseph Collins, it describes itself as a "people's think tank and education-for-action center".

Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment

The Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE), based in Bozeman, Montana, is an American think-tank that promotes free-market environmentalism.

Francis Gaffney

Frank Gaffney (born 1953), is the founder and president of the think tank Center for Security Policy and columnist

G Anil Kumar

Later he changed his field of work to form a think tank with N. S. Rajaram in Bangalore.


This has been first documented in the book Plaidoyer pour une gauche populaire by think-tank Terra-Nova which had a major influence on all contestants in the presidential election (and at least, Sarkozy, François Hollande, and Marine Le Pen).

Gold Mercury International

Gold Mercury International was founded in Rome in 1961 by Eduardo De Santis, a movie producer and businessman, as a think tank and international organisation focused on advancing governance practices and international relations.


John Hamre, think tank president and former U.S. government official

Hans Robert Scultetus

Hans Robert Scultetus was a German meteorologist, who headed the Pflegestätte für Wetterkunde (Meteorology Section) of the Nazi Ahnenerbe think tank.

Hella Pick

Currently, Pick is the Arts & Culture Programme Director at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, an independent think-tank based in London.

Internet in New Zealand

The New Zealand Institute think-tank has estimated that the economic benefits of competitive broadband access could be worth as much as NZ$4.4 billion a year to New Zealand's gross domestic product.


In late 2006, the Reason Foundation, a libertarian think-tank, issued a report characterizing iProvo as financially unstable and ineffective at lowering Internet costs or raising broadband use.

James Giermanski

Dr. Giermanski serves a visiting scholar at the Air Force Doctrine Development and Education Center, an Air Force think tank at Maxwell Air Force Base.

Jarod Green

In 2009, he founded the creative think-tank company The Handsomity Institute Pty Ltd which created and produced the television series Beached Az, airing in September of that year on ABC.


Organised by Yossi Vardi, founding investor of ICQ, Kinnernet serves as a think tank for everything Internet, with some 250 attendees.

Konrad Kellen

In the early 1960s he worked at the Hudson Institute think tank with military strategist and futurist Herman Kahn.

Liberal Party of Sri Lanka

The Liberal Party of Sri Lanka began as a think-tank called the Council for Liberal Democracy, founded in 1981 by the late Chanaka Amaratunga, a longstanding member of the United National Party which was then in government.

Maria Borelius

Maria is a member of the advisory council of Open Europe, a European think tank with offices in London, Brussels and Berlin promoting ideas for economic and political reform of the European Union.

Marshall Brement

After leaving Iceland, he spent four years at the United States Naval War College in Newport, R.I., where he directed the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group, an advisory think tank to the Chief of Naval Operations.


The Mackinac Center for Public Policy - an American free market think tank headquartered in Midland, Michigan.

Moscow Defense Brief

Moscow Defense Brief is a bimonthly English-language defense magazine published by Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST), an independent defense think-tank.

Nikolaos Mavridis

He is also an active member of the Horasis think tank based in Switzerland, whose purpose is to "enact visions for a sustainable future" through new platforms for cooperation and knowledge-sharing, particularly between developed countries and emerging markets.

Nourishing the Planet

The former director of Nourishing the Planet, Danielle Nierenberg, has announced a new organization called Food Tank: The Food Think Tank.

Ole Fogh Kirkeby

In 2003 he co-founded a Danish think tank on Public Governance together with The SAS Institute, Denmark.

Piast Institute

With a Board of Directors composed of Polish-American leaders, an international network of Institute Fellows, and a staff led by Dr. Radzilowski as president and Mrs. Skrzyniarz as executive vice president, Piast Institute has evolved into the only think tank in North America devoted to Polish and Polish-American affairs.


The LSE academic further developed the idea in an article called 'Is there a liberalism beyond social democracy?' for the think tank Policy Network and in his subsequent book 'The Strange Non-Death of Neo-Liberalism'.

Rehman Sobhan

After retirement from BIDS, he set up Centre for Policy Dialogue in 1993, a high-profile private sector think-tank, where he works as its Executive Chairman .

Robert Mark

In 1976, Mark travelled to the United States to chair a conference designed to assist the Washington, DC-based Police Foundation in setting up the Police Executive Research Forum, a think tank devoted to training police executives and improving management practices.


The Rockridge Institute, a now-defunct progressive think tank formerly located in Berkeley, California

Saint Luke Institute

This included chairing a 1993 “think tank” for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on sexual abuse.

SEIU Local 1199NE

In Connecticut the union is closely identified with liberal Democratic politicians such as Governor Dannel Malloy and has clashed frequently with fiscally conservative Republicans such as former Governor John G. Rowland as well as the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a free-market think tank.

Shuji Imamoto

To realise the target, he founded a new Green think tank Ecolo Japan in 2004 with his small company at the beginning.

Social media intelligence

The term was coined in a 2012 paper written by Sir David Omand, Jamie Bartlett and Carl Miller for the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, at the London based think-tank, Demos.

Steve McIntosh

In 2012 McIntosh partnered with integral authors and former EnlightenNext editors Carter Phipps, Elizabeth Debold and Andrew Cohen, together with University of Colorado philosopher Michael E. Zimmerman, to found the think tank, The Institute for Cultural Evolution.

The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better

Peter Robert Saunders, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Sussex University, published a report for the think tank Policy Exchange questioning the statistics in The Spirit Level.

Think Tank Photo

Think Tank Photo is a U.S. based manufacturer that designs and sells camera bags and accessories designed for use by professional and advanced amateur photographers and multimedia producers, specially those who use digital SLR cameras.

Think Tank Photo was founded in 2005 in Santa Rosa, California by designers Doug Murdoch and Mike Sturm and by professional photographers Deanne Fitzmaurice and Kurt Rogers.

Tilman Brück

In September 2012 it was announced that he was to replace Bates Gill as head of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a global think-tank dedicated to research into security, conflict and arms control.

Warren Hoge

From 2004 until mid-2008, he served as the Times 's foreign correspondent at the United Nations bureau. In July 2008 Warren Hoge left the New York Times to become the Vice President for External Relations at the International Peace Institute, a New York-based think tank.

Warwick Collins

Collins's political views were liberal and libertarian, but (in 1979) he was asked by Keith Joseph to join a Conservative party think tank chaired by John Hoskyns (who became Chief Political Adviser to Margaret Thatcher) to work on issues such as privatisation.

World Water Council

The World Water Council is an international think tank founded in 1996, with its headquarters in Marseille, France.