In 2008, the band signed to Drag City, where they have released Body Language, recorded by Tim Green of the Fucking Champs, and have continued their all-year touring playing over 250 shows that year alone.
Most of the album was recorded by Tim Green of Nation of Ulysses in July, 1992, at the Embassy in Washington, DC.
He has written suspense novels and other books and has served as a commentator for the NFL on Fox.
Green Day | Green Party | Green Bay Packers | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Tim Burton | Tim Pawlenty | Green | Green Lantern | Tim Rice | Tim Allen | Tim Hortons | Tim Kaine | Tim Berners-Lee | Green Acres | Al Green | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | Tim Tebow | Tim McGraw | Dixon of Dock Green | Anne of Green Gables | Tom Green | Bowling Green, Kentucky | Tim O'Brien | Tim Finn | Tim Curry | Tim Buckley | Green River | Tim Robbins | Wood Green |
Initially, Weakling was mainly noted for featuring guitarist Josh Smith of The Fucking Champs (fellow Champ Tim Green served as producer), but a recent reissue of their material has brought their work some more attention, and the album has been hailed in some circles, and by musicians including Fenriz of Darkthrone, as a masterpiece.