
4 unusual facts about Timeline of BC Legislature Raids

Timeline of BC Legislature Raids

2004 - The Ministry of Transportation cancels the sale of the Roberts Bank Superport Subdivision spur line (estimated worth $70 million) after RCMP inform the government the process was tainted after the B.C. legislature raid.

27, 2003 - BC Solicitor General Rich Coleman calls Premier of British Columbia Gordon Campbell, who is on vacation in Hawaii.

Dec. 11, 2003 - William Berardino is appointed special prosecutor to oversee an investigation involving Victoria police officer Dosanjh and non-elected appointees at the legislature.

March 2, 2004 - In response to requests by news media to access the original search warrants, Associate Chief Justice Patrick Dohm of the Supreme Court of British Columbia releases a summary of the search warrants, which says police were investigating whether two government officials leaked information about the sale of BC Rail for their personal gain.

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