
11 unusual facts about Timothy "Attitude" Clayton

Bill W. Clayton

State Representative Delwin Jones, a longtime friend, called Clayton a "tremendous guy."

He was considered one of the most influential legislators - and, after he left the chamber, lobbyists - in modern Texas history.

Dana Simpson

Material from I Drew This was included in Attitude 3: The New Subversive Online Cartoonists.

Get Your War On

In 2004, Rees was interviewed in the book Attitude 2: The New Subversive Alternative Cartoonists, edited by syndicated editorial cartoonist Ted Rall.

Mark E. Clayton

His father died in 2004 and Clayton purchased a 1920s-era farmhouse on three acres in Whites Creek in suburban Davidson County.

Nicholas J. Clayton

Nicholas Joseph Clayton (November 1, 1840 in Cloyne, County Cork - December 9, 1916) was a prominent Victorian era architect in Galveston, Texas.

Nuclear War Survival Skills

The other "substantial" book, Life After Doomsday: A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and Other Major Disasters by Bruce D. Clayton, itself is stated to praise and borrow from Nuclear War Survival Skills.

Presolar grains

In the mid-1970s, Donald D. Clayton predicted that unusual isotopic compositions would be found within thermally condensed grains produced during mass loss from stars of differing types, and argued that such grains exist throughout the interstellar medium.

St John the Baptist's Church, Clayton

They are part of a series painted by monks from Lewes Priory; this was the first Cluniac house in England and had close links to its mother priory at Cluny in Burgundy, and the art techniques developed at Cluny from the mid-10th century were very influential.

William L. Clayton

He was a member of the Interim Committee appointed to advise Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson and President Harry S. Truman on problems expected to arise from the development of the atomic bomb and he was an economic advisor to Truman at the Potsdam Conference.

Disagreements between them led Clayton to resign in January 1944, only to return to government service a month later as Surplus War Property Administrator under James F. Byrnes in the Office of War Mobilization.

1971 NSWRFL season

Under the guidance of revolutionary head-coach Jack Gibson who was in 1971 beginning to embrace the attitude and training methods used in the United States' National Football League, St. George in 1971 had reached the Grand Final in all three grades.

Attitude control

Typically, the attitude control algorithms are part of the software running on the hardware which receives commands from the ground and formats vehicle data Telemetry for transmission to a ground station.


Shaw's distaste for this attitude to Shakespeare is anticipated by William Cowper's attack on Garrick's whole festival as blasphemous in his poem The Task (1785).

Ben Daimio

The move was not without difficulties and Daimio's blunt attitude, callousness and preference for force over diplomacy caused friction within the team, particularly with Liz Sherman.

Bleeding Oath

They have gained notoriety for their large Facebook campaigns, as well as their irreverent attitude and self-deprecating humour, as evidenced by the group and its fans getting artists from various major groups, including Andrew W.K., DragonForce, Jason Aalon Butler of letlive. and Mikael Åkerfeldt of Opeth (who the band are heavily influenced by) to tell them, in jest, to "fuck off".

Brian Canavan

In 2010 Canavan was appointed to investigate the on-and-off field performances, attitude, behaviour, conduct and setup of the New South Wales State of Origin team following its fifth straight series loss to Queensland.


Lord Nelson might have cast a jaundiced eye on such an attitude, but surely those brave boat owners who persevere in completing their own brightwork varnishing project will feel that they have "gained the most splendid and decisive victory", albeit one that was perhaps "dearly purchased".

Carlo Blasis

He is most known for the pose "Attitude" derived from the famous statue Mercury by Giovanni da Bologna.

Donald McMorran

McMorran was, however, not narrow-minded in his attitude to the Modern Movement, and as assessor in the City of London's Golden Lane housing competition he awarded first place to the young Modernists, Chamberlin, Powell and Bon.

Dutty Wine

Although Dancehall Queen Mad Michelle is a possible creator of the Dutty Wine, the packaged concept of the Dutty Wine came from a trio in Montego Bay named The Attitude Girls.

Electric Shadows

The film's reverent attitude towards the power of film and particularly classic film has brought it comparison to, or at least reference to Italy's Cinema Paradiso.

Escape from Hong Kong Island

However, it cultivated an arrogant and heartless sociopathic vain attitude in him: he even spat in a "blind" beggar's money pot (Tats Lau), and has neglected his family who were reduced to substandard impoverished living.

Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science

Sociologist of religion Anson D. Shupe took in general a positive attitude, and praises Gardner for his humor.

Francis Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds

He had done nothing to foster good relations with the newly independent United States of America: both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson complained of his obstructive attitude and " aversion to having anything to do with us ".

Francisco Trinaldo

His nickname came from the character of the Brazilian TV show Casseta & Planeta Urgente played by the Brazilian comedian Cláudio Manoel named Massaranduba, who had his same quarrelsome attitude.

Gilf Kebir

The western side of the Gilf Kebir was explored in 1932 by the Clayton-Almásy Expedition, headed by Sir Robert East Clayton and Count László E. Almásy, and accompanied by Patrick A. Clayton, Squadron Leader H. W. G. J. Penderel, three Arabian car drivers and a cook.

H. R. Loyn

"Bede's kings. A comment on the attitude of Bede to the nature of secular kingship."

Hermański Kryspin

His fans compared him to Danny Tidwell because of his technical perfection and his attitude toward a camera.

In Search of Anna

That also coincided with where I was at personally in my relationship to women and to Haydn former collaborator Haydn Keenan, so I thought I should make a film about leaving the past behind and coming to terms with the present, moving into the future with a positive attitude.

James A. Elkins

This behind-the-scenes socialization amongst leading Texas politicians and businessmen included the likes of Jesse Jones, Gus Wortham, James Abercrombie, George R. Brown, Herman Brown, Lyndon Johnson, William L. Clayton, William P. Hobby, Oscar Holcombe, Hugh Roy Cullen, and John Connally.

Jordan Prentice

Prentice appeared on British TV in a series of nine commercials for British radio station Absolute Radio, with DJ Christian O'Connell, as Doug, the station's new music-mad security guard with attitude.

Józef Bury

Jozef Bury (b. 1961 in Mielec, Poland, lives and works in Paris) is a multidisciplinary artist who articulates researches about space-and-time problems, polysensory perception, subcognitive attitude and memory of experience.

Lewis Benson

T. Canby Jones, onetime Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Wilmington College, and author of George Fox's Attitude Toward War and "The Power of the Lord Is Over All": The Pastoral Letters of George Fox, said,

Mat Osman

He co-wrote some of the band's songs, including "Lost in TV", "Europe Is Our Playground", "Attitude" and "Golden Gun".

Matthias Erzberger

In 1920, he published a memorandum endeavouring to justify his position during the war, and he followed it up with disclosures regarding the attitude of the Vatican in 1917 and the mission of the papal legate in Munich, Pacelli, to Berlin.

May Massee

Ludwig Bemelmans, the creator of Madeline, once wrote to Massee explaining his attitude in writing a children's book: "We are writing for Children but not for Idiots".

Mediterrânic Ensemble

The World\Folk Fusion assignment means an open attitude towards all music of the world, together with the mediterranean essence, enveloped with other sounds, such as Brazilian Popular Music, African Music, Minimal, Reggae, Progressive Folk, Celtic Music, American Folk and Jazz fusion.

Meir Bar-Ilan

Gaining Semicha in 1902, he travelled to Germany where he became acquainted with a more modern form of Orthodox Judaism that had a more tolerant attitude to secular education and to political Zionism (although such attitudes were also present in the Lithuania of his youth, and in his grandfather).

Mohammad-Reza Bahonar

A student activist was quoted as saying the conference was "shameful" and had "brought to our country Nazis and racists from around the world." On the one hand, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss was invited by Ahmadinejad and gave a speech at the conference concerning Orthodox Jewish Attitude to the Holocaust.


Michael Billig and Jean Bethke Elshtain have both argued that the difference between patriotism and faith is difficult to discern and relies largely on the attitude of the one doing the labelling.

People's Park

Governor Ronald Reagan had been publicly critical of university administrators for tolerating student demonstrations at the Berkeley campus, and he had received enormous popular support for his 1966 gubernatorial campaign promise to crack down on what the public perceived as a generally lax attitude at California's public universities.

Poul Henningsen

After the war he dissociated himself from the communists who were criticizing him for flabbing humanitarianism in his attitude to the settlement with the Nazis and for his growing scepticism about the Soviet Union and in many ways he was isolated.

Robbie Reiser

According to an interview, Reiser is a devoted fan of former Green Bay Packers head coach Vince Lombardi and likes to run his race team with the same winning attitude Lombardi had with the Packers.

Russian Mental Health Law

According to Moscow psychiatrist Alexander Danilin, the Mental Health Law is certainly a progressive thing but, in reality, nothing changes because the real change is of the attitude of specialists which, however, we will still have to have a long wait for.

Short Scion Senior

During 1942, a series of trials by the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment (MAEE) was undertaken, determining attitude and stability characteristics of the design.

Si Votha

Sisowath would likely have adopted the same attitude as Si Votha if the Siamese king had allowed him to leave Bangkok.

Sophie Ramsay

He later becomes fed up of her attitude and forbids her from going to see The Jezabels in the city.

Sudhir Dar

His attitude to politics is somewhat akin to what I imagine would have been the attitude of Bertie Wooster.

Teresa Macrì

The main concept around which the essay revolves is the attitude of the spectacular, which has become ever more central in the frame of what is to be considered Visual Culture, and that is re-elaborated and/ or re-manipulated by the practices of the seven art-makers considered (Damien Hirst, Douglas Gordon, Maurizio Cattelan, Phil Collins, Sofia Coppola, Harmony Korine and Chris Cunningham).

The Brothers Solomon

Finding Janine on Craigslist, they find the woman of their dreams, artificially inseminating her and spending the next nine months on a roller coaster of life, facing romantic and parental challenges along the way that are no match for their sunny attitude.

The Night Café

Unlike typical Impressionist works, the painter does not project a neutral stance towards the world or an attitude of enjoyment of the beauty of nature or of the moment.

The Sweets of Sin

Their early time in Europe were characterised by a sharing attitude, with members varying in their joy at having communal access to money, cigarettes and living space for three was on the bedroom floor of a family's flat in the industrial, provincial Ruhr region.

The Way I Spent the End of the World

After Eva is expelled from her high school for her uncooperative attitude, she is sent to a technical school where she meets Andrei, with whom she plans to escape communist Romania by swimming across the Danube into Yugoslavia and relocating to Italy.


The Trekka has since become something of a New Zealand icon representing the "Kiwi can-do" attitude of the 1960s.

Vlassis Bonatsos

Family Feud, the Greek version with the same board but with similar colors, theme song, Greek title and several characteristics but the same attitude as Family Feud, it was known as Kontres or Kondres in Greek and was broadcast at 6:30 EET (5:30 CET) on Mega Channel in the mid-1990s and on Mega Cosmos in the early-2000s in the afternoons.

Wakeboard boat

Mastercraft boats use an "attitude adjustment plate" which is a large trim tab that allows the boat to be trimmed- enhancing the wake.

We Couldn't Leave Dinah

Later Caroline compares their gloomy attitude unfavorably to the adventurous spirits of two sets of children in popular books of the time, the Arthur Ransome children (of the Swallows and Amazons series of books) and M. E. Atkinson's Lockett family (from August Adventure, Mystery Manor etc.): “each child brooded upon those fascinating, incredible spirits of the nursery bookshelf, each the irresistible magnet of adventure”.