Despite his political and criminal activities, Sullivan was undeniably a successful businessman involved in real estate, theatrical ventures (at one point partnering with Marcus Loew), boxing and horseracing.
In exchange, Sullivan would have to furnish gang leaders Monk Eastman and Paul Kelly, amongst others, to commit election fraud on behalf of Tammany Hall.
He was elected as a Democrat to the 58th and 59th United States Congresses, holding office from March 4, 1903, until his resignation on July 27, 1906.
In November 1912, he was elected to the 63rd United States Congress but, due to ill health, did not take his seat, and died a few months into his term.
Gilbert and Sullivan | The Ed Sullivan Show | Sullivan | Arthur Sullivan | Timothy Leary | Timothy Dalton | Andrew Sullivan | Sullivan County, New York | Timothy Spall | Ronnie O'Sullivan | Sullivan County | Ed Sullivan | Timothy West | John L. Sullivan | Gilbert O'Sullivan | Timothy F. Murphy | Timothy Geithner | Sullivan's Travels | Sullivan & Cromwell | John Sullivan | Timothy Zahn | Timothy Hutton | Maureen O'Sullivan | Timothy Hackworth | Timothy Greenfield-Sanders | Timothy Findley | Robert Sullivan | Nicole Sullivan | Louis Sullivan | Kevin Sullivan |
Riordan was elected to the 59th United States Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Timothy D. Sullivan and on the same day was elected to the 60th United States Congress.
Devery was alleged to have been part of a gambling syndicate consisting of himself, Frank Farrell and Timothy "Big Tim" Sullivan which, at the time of McClusky's removal, generated around $3 million from payoffs to corrupt politicians and police officials according to the New York Times.