
unusual facts about Tiso



Field Army Bernolák, infantry unit during World War II in Jozef Tiso's Axis WWII Slovak

Second Czechoslovak Republic

There were some disagreement between Tiso and other Slovak politicians, and Karol Sidor (who had represented the Slovak government in the meeting) returned to Bratislava to discuss the matter with Tiso.


It is the burial ground of thousands of Soviet Army soldiers who fell during World War II while liberating the city in April 1945 from the occupying German Wehrmacht units and the remaining Slovak troops who supported the clero-fascist Tiso government.


Later there developed the common opinion that identified the sword of James I of Aragon, named Tisó, with the one attributed to the Cid in the Cantar de gesta, but this is contrasted with the Llibre dels fets (a series of autobiographical chronicles including James I of Aragon) in which the Tisó is described in detail without any mention of The Cid, most likely owing to a simple coincidence of name.

see also