
2 unusual facts about Torture


During a House of Commons debate on 7 July 2009, MP David Davis accused the UK government of outsourcing torture, by allowing Rangzieb Ahmed to leave the country (even though they had evidence against him upon which he was later convicted for terrorism) to Pakistan, where it is said the Inter-Services Intelligence was given the go ahead by the British intelligence agencies to torture Ahmed.

Josef Mengele and Shirō Ishii were infamous during and after World War II for their involvement in medical torture and murder.

1978 in Northern Ireland

18 January - The European Court of Human Rights finds Britain guilty of inhuman and degrading treatment of republican internees in Northern Ireland, but not guilty of torture.

Ahmed Ghappour

In 2009, Ghappour along with Reprieve founder Clive Stafford Smith faced the possibility of being found in contempt of court because of a letter they sent to President Barack Obama explaining allegations of torture by US agents of their mutual client Binyam Mohamed.

Alicia Shepard

Shepard herself stated that she personally believed waterboarding was torture in an interview with Bob Garfield of On the Media.

Andrew Vachss

He's so committed to his family of choice—not his DNA-biological family, which tortured him, or the state which raised him, but the family that he chose—that homicide is a natural consequence of injuring any of that family.

Assassination of Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev

Based on these torture allegations and the fact that the two officers were arrested within an extraterritorial compound belonging to the Russian Embassy (i.e. effectively on Russian soil), Russia demanded the immediate release of its citizens; they were represented by the attorney of the law firm founded by Nikolai Yegorov, a friend and fellow student of Vladimir Putin at Leningrad State University.

Basil Fernando

He has written extensively on this theme, basing his work on studies on Sri Lanka, Cambodia and several other Asian countries.In three interconnected publications, The phantom limb: Failing judicial systems, torture and human rights work in Sri Lanka; Recovering the authority of public institutions: A resource book on human rights in Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka: Impunity, criminal justice and human rights, he analyzed to collapse of rule of law institutions in Sri Lanka.

Bibliography of Guatemala

Ortiz, Dianna - The blindfold's eyes: my journey from torture to truth.

Carlos Mario Jiménez

On June 14, 2010, the Center for Justice & Accountability along with the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati instituted a civil action in the Southern District of Florida against Macaco alleging torture, extrajudicial killing, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Colin Sleeman

In the "Double Tenth" trial, 21 members of the Kempeitai (Japanese military police) were accused of war crimes relating to the torture of 57 of prisoners (including John Leonard Wilson, Bishop of Singapore) following a raid on Changi Prison on 10 October 1943 to investigate of a suspected spy network, thought to be responsible for the sinking of seven Japanese merchant vessels in Singapore harbour in September 1943.

Colman Treacy

In 2005, he presided at the trial of Faryadi Sarwar Zardad, an Afghan warlord charged under the principle of universal jurisdiction with conspiracy to torture and conspiracy to take hostages during the 1990s in Afghanistan.

Daimler Reitwagen

"The first motorcycle looks like an instrument of torture", wrote Melissa Holbrook Pierson, describing a vehicle that was created along the way to Daimler's real goal, a four wheeled car, and earning him credit as the inventor of the motorcycle "malgré lui," in spite of himself.

Daniel Decker

Named after the city where one of the first massacres of the Armenian people took place, “Adana” tells the story of the Armenian Genocide, during which soldiers of the Ottoman Empire forced 1.5 million Armenians into starvation, torture and extermination because they would not renounce their Christian faith.

David Hardingham

He was an outspoken critic of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s human rights record during his thirty year presidency, a record he maintains is confirmed by the many examples of torture undergone by Mohamed Nasheed and many others he had met during the time many opposition activists stayed at Salisbury.

Death by Sheer Torture

Death by Sheer Torture (1981), also known simply as Sheer Torture, is a mystery novel by English writer Robert Barnard, the first of five novels, penned in the 1980s, featuring his recurring detective character Perry Trethowan.

Derechos Human Rights

Derechos works with its sister organization Equipo Nizkor in Spain and is a member of the World Organization Against Torture and the Global Internet Liberty Campaign.

Guantanamo: My Journey

Jason Leopold, lead investigative reporter of Truthout, who landed the first interview with Hicks, described how moved he was by Hicks' book and the torture he endured.

Halloween Jack

After a little torture, Boone transformed from the Loki persona, which he now saw as useless, into the devilish Halloween Jack and went about creating a plan to get back at the Synge siblings and take over Las Vegas in the meantime.

Hudson v. McMillian

Many things—beating with a rubber truncheon, water torture, electric shock, incessant noise, reruns of Space: 1999—may cause agony as they occur, yet leave no enduring injury.

Human rights in the United Kingdom

The Criminal Justice Act 1988 prohibits torture carried out by public officials in the performance of their duties and evidence obtained by torture is excluded by the common law.

International response to the Second Chechen War

On March 30, 2006, Manfred Nowak, the United Nations investigator on torture said that Moscow had agreed to let him visit Russia, including the troubled region—the first such trip by a UN torture envoy in more than a decade.

John B. McClelland

He was captured by American Indians during the Crawford Expedition and tortured to death at the Shawnee town of Wakatomika, which is currently located in Logan County, Ohio, about halfway between West Liberty, Ohio and Zanesfield, Ohio.

John Michel

He then commanded the 1st Division at the Battle of Taku Forts in August 1860 during the Second Opium War and took part in the burning of the Old Summer Palace at Peking in October 1860 as a reprisal for the torture and murder of British prisoners before being appointed Commander of British Troops in China and Hong Kong in 1861.

Judah ibn Verga

He succeeded, however, in escaping to Lisbon, where possibly he lived several years, until he was taken by the Inquisition; he died under torture (ib. § 62).

Kelbessa Negewo

According to Hirut Abebe-Jiri, an activist involved in preserving and documenting atrocities while Mengistu Haile Mariam ruled the country, and other women, Kelbessa directly oversaw their torture, and demanded to know whether they were members of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party, then fighting the government in the Ethiopian Civil War.

Lanza del Vasto

In 1957, during the Algerian War, del Vasto started with other known people (General de Bollardière, François Mauriac, Robert Barrat, etc.) a movement of protest against torture.

Major Kaleem Case

Several MQM leaders and workers were involved in the kidnapping and torture of Pakistan Army Major Kaleem in 1991.

Maurice Audin

Doctor Georges Hadjadj later admitted that, under torture, he had given Audin's name to men working for Paul Aussaresses, following threats that his wife would be raped.

Medieval Inquisition

On May 15, Pope Innocent IV issued a papal bull entitled Ad extirpanda, which authorized the use of torture by inquisitors.

Megan Williams

Megan Williams case, Megan Williams, American woman who falsely accused six people of kidnapping, torture, and rape

Munira Fakhro

This was followed by another petition in 1995 signed by 350 women calling for the restoration of democracy and an end to torture.

O Auto da Compadecida

It is based on the 1955 play of almost the same name by Ariano Suassuna, with elements of The Ghost and the Sow, and Torture of a Heart, plays both also by Suassuna.

Orwell Award

2006: Steven H. Miles, M.D, author of Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity, and the War on Terror

Parallels of Infinite Torture

Parallels of Infinite Torture is the fourth studio album by American death metal band Disgorge.

Paul E. Vallely

Force feeding of non-psychotic prisoners has been banned by the World Medical Association since 1975, listing it alongside torture as a form of "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment".

Ros Myers

They torture her as a way of recruiting her; they also convince her that the United States government is manipulating the United Kingdom during peace deals with Iran.

Seven Beauties

The wife of the camp's commandant Karl Otto Koch, she took sadistic pleasure in torturing inmates, and was accused of having lampshades made out of their skin, though these charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.

Silent Movie

They recruit James Caan despite a disastrous lunch in his broken trailer, and then torture Liza Minnelli at the commissary (fortunately, she already badly wanted to be in the movie).

Small Voices: The Stories of Cambodia's Children

After Saigonell, the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia and killed 1.7 Million people in a former high school also known as S21 that also included rape, torture and a living hell.

The Pentacle

Instead of bringing his counterpart, Detective Chimp, to Strega, Karnevil tied him to a post and prepared to torture him.

The Pit and the Pendulum

In 1983, Czech Surrealist Jan Švankmajer directed a 15-minute live action short film called The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope, based on this story and the short story "A Torture by Hope" by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam.

Thomas Silverstein

Silverstein claims that "no human contact” status is essentially a form of torture reserved for those who kill correctional officers. "When an inmate kills a guard, he must be punished," a Bureau of Prisons official told author Pete Earley. "We can’t execute Silverstein, so we have no choice but to make his life a living hell.

Tom Six

In the United Kingdom, the BBFC declined to issue an 18 certificate for The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence), highlighting the antagonist's "total degradation, humiliation, mutilation, torture, and murder of his naked victims".

Torture Central

Torture Central: E-mails From Abu Ghraib is the title of the memoir of Michael Keller, a soldier stationed in Abu Ghraib, Iraq during 2005/2006.

Violet ray

Jon Burge of the Chicago Police Department, who was dismissed in 1992 following allegations of torture of suspects by Burge and detectives working under him in the 1970s and 1980s, may have used a violet ray.


Waterboarding, a form of torture consisting of immobilizing the victim and pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages

Wheel of death

Breaking wheel, or Catherine wheel, a torture and execution device

Željko Lelek

Lelek was also charged with the torture of civilian men in the Višegrad police station and with participating in the mass rape of women in the Vilina Vlas motel.

see also