
unusual facts about Toxic

1080 usage in New Zealand

Sodium nitrite is a naturally occurring substance commonly used as a meat preservative, but toxic at higher doses.

Abrostola asclepiadis

The larvae feed on Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, which contains toxic alkaloids and is unpalatable to most generalist herbivores.

Air Ontario Flight 1363

The wings needed to be de-iced before takeoff, but the Fokker F-28 aircraft is never supposed to be de-iced while the engines are running due to the risk of toxic fumes getting into the cabin of the aircraft.

Alive '05

# "Toxic" (Cathy Dennis, Henrik Jonback, Christian Karlsson, Pontus Winnberg) – 5:54

Bamako Convention

The barrels, found in storage in the port of Lagos, contained toxic waste including polychlorinated biphenyls, and their eventual shipment back to Italy led to protests closing three Italian ports.

Biomphalaria glabrata

Four species of the genus Solanum from Brazil are toxic to Biomphalaria glabrata.


According to Fonti a manager of Enea paid the clan to get rid of 600 drums of toxic and radioactive waste from Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, and the US, with Somalia as the destination, where the waste was buried after buying off local politicians.

Charles Paul

On The Secret Storm Paul began his practice of using "leitmotif" themes to underscore specific characters, such as his stately tune for lovable matriarch Grace Tyrell (Marjorie Gateson) and his vampy lament for her toxic daughter Pauline Harris (Haila Stoddard).


Toxic over-exposure starts at 9% to 12% concentrations, the heart rate drops further, the victim may have more shallow breathing or stop all together, they do not respond to any outside stimulation and may begin to involuntarily gasp, belch, or vomiting which can lead to aspiration if they do not get turned on their sides.

Cyanogen halide

Rhodanese catalyzes the irreversible reaction forming thiocyanate from cyanide and sulfane which is non-toxic and can be excreted through the urine.


The name alludes to the great similarity of appearance between these toxic plants, which were formerly classified together in the genus Zigadenus, and the edible camases (Camassia), with which they also often share habitat.

Deborah Batts

2006 - civil suit against former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christine Todd Whitman alleging that she misled people near World Trade Center site about risks of toxic air pollution after September 11, 2001 attacks.

Deception in animals

Examples of Batesian mimicry are the several species of butterflies that mimic the toxic Heliconid butterflies.

Desmanthus illinoensis

Root bark of D. illinoensis has been found to contain N,N-DMT, NMT, N-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, 2-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, and gramine (toxic).

Echinaster echinophorus

It was found that an extract from its tissues showed activity against Leishmania amazonensis, the protozoan parasite causing the tropical skin disease leishmaniasis, and had the advantage that it was not toxic to the mice on which it was tested.

European Commission

Some EU states at that time did not even have a crime against shipping toxic waste leading to the Commissioners Franco Frattini and Stavros Dimas to put forward the idea of "ecological crimes".

George Pinder

He was featured as a character in the movie A Civil Action, based on the Woburn toxic waste case and starring John Travolta.

Hip fracture

Homocysteine, a toxic 'natural' amino acid linked to the cause of heart disease,


Hypoglycin is toxic if ingested and is the causative agent of Jamaican Vomiting Sickness.

Hypoglycin B

Hypoglycin B is toxic if ingested and is a causative agent of Jamaican Vomiting Sickness.

Inner City Press

Inner City Press' executive director is Matthew Lee, who is the author of the non-fiction book Predatory Lending: Toxic Credit in the Global Inner City and the novel Predatory Bender and an accredited journalist at the United Nations.

International Cyanide Management Code

Cyanide, a highly toxic chemical, has been the most widely used reagent for extracting gold from ore for the past century.


Several kavalactones (e.g. Flavokavain B, Methysticin and Yangonin) have been reported to be toxic and/or carcinogenic, although further research into these mechanisms is needed and it is not yet known if kava consumption induces toxic/carcinogenic effects in vivo.


The acquired demyelinating disorders are classified according to their underlying causes into five groups: noninfectious–inflammatory, infectious–inflammatory, toxic–metabolic, hypoxic–ischemic (vascular problems like Binswanger's disease), and traumatic.

Matthew Felker

He has been seen in Britney Spears' hit "Toxic" music video, directed by Joseph Kahn He also appeared in the music video for Fountains of Wayne's Stacy's Mom directed by Chris Applenbaum, Dido's "White Flag" again directed by Kahn, as well as Celine Dion's "Have You Ever Been In Love" video.

Methotrexate Leucovorin Rescue

Methotrexate was developed as a less-toxic alternative to aminopterin by Yellapragada Subbarao in 1946 and tested on 16 children by Sidney Farber and his colleague, Louis K. Diamond.

Microgadus tomcod

After General Electric dumped polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the Hudson River from 1947 through 1976, tomcod living in the river were found to have evolved an increased resistance to the compound's toxic effects.


Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, highly toxic to other animals and humans, acts also as a contact poison

Muscular dystrophy

The first is the deletion of D4Z4 repeats and the second is a "toxic gain of function" of the DUX4 gene.


However, a few plants whose pollen contains toxic substances (e.g., Toxicoscordion and related genera in the Melanthieae) are visited by oligolectic bees, and these may fall into the former category.


Phallolysin is a toxic hemolysin that has been isolated from the death cap mushroom Amanita phalloides.

Platycorynus peregrinus

The preferred host plants are the very toxic Calotropis procera, various Digitaria species and some plants of economic importance (e.g. Solanum melongena, Hibiscus esculentus, Abelmoschus esculentus, Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum tuberosum).


The first synthetic antimicrobial drug, arsphenamine, discovered in 1909 by Sahachiro Hata in the laboratory of Paul Ehrlich, is not toxic to bacteria until it has been converted to an active form by the body.

Quade Cooper

In September, Cooper tweeted infamous comments regarding his thoughts on the Wallabies set-up, which included criticising the defensive style-of-play and lack of player input under coach Robbie Deans, inadequate training and recovery facilities, and a "toxic environment".

Refrigerator mother theory

According to Peter Breggin’s 1991 book Toxic Psychiatry, the psychogenic theory of autism was abandoned for political pressure from parents' organizations, not for scientific reasons.

Russell Savage

Savage lost his seat to the National Party's Peter Crisp in the 2006 Victorian State election, a loss he attributed to the Nationals' high-budget campaign, Labor's failure to reopen the Mildura rail link, and a proposal to build a toxic waste dump in his electorate.

Shepherdia canadensis

Unrelated plants in the genus Sapindus produce highly toxic saponins and share the common name soapberry with the edible Canada Buffaloberry.


Soman (O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate), an extremely toxic substance that is one of the world's most dangerous nerve agents.

South Florida Punk and Hardcore

In June 1985, The Skating Center raised the rent on Richard Shelter so he moved the Toxic Reasons show from the Skating Center to The Cell.

Start at the Top

Included are Skin Yard's Sub Pop single, their "Stranger" single (on Toxic Shock Records), "Machine Gun Etiquette" from The Damned covers comp.

The BossHoss

The BossHoss is a band from Berlin which started in 2004 with Country & Western style cover versions of famous pop, rock and hip hop songs, for example "Hot in Herre" by Nelly, "Toxic" by Britney Spears and "Hey Ya!" by Outkast.

Thomas Midgley, Jr.

They rejected the assumption that such compounds would be toxic, believing that the stability of the carbon–fluorine bond would be sufficient to prevent the release of hydrogen fluoride or other potential breakdown products.

Toxic oil syndrome

None of the in vivo or in vitro studies performed with toxic-oil-specific components, such as fatty acid anilides and esters of PAP, have provided evidence that these markers are causally involved in the pathogenesis of TOS.


Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the court of the Roman emperor Nero, made the first attempt to classify plants according to their toxic and therapeutic effect.

Truth In Aging

Many of the ingredients that they list to be potentially toxic have been found safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

UCLA School of Public Health

John Froines — Professor in environmental health sciences, former Director of Toxic Substances for Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and member of the Chicago Seven.

Wild rhubarb

Heracleum mantegazzianum, a toxic plant native to central Asia, in family Apiaceae

Yerba mate

Modifying mate in this fashion is potentially toxic, as these alkaloids can cause a rare condition of the liver, veno-occlusive disease, which produces liver failure due to progressive occlusion of the small venous channels in the liver.

see also