
unusual facts about Toynbee

Leonardo Polo

In later years, Polo would also be able to attend lectures by Zubiri on the concept in Madrid and another by Ortega y Gasset on Toynbee.

Arnold Toynbee

Toynbee was the uncle, via his brother Harry Valpy Toynbee, of universal historian Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889–1975); with whom he is often confused.

Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles

Toynbee tiles are linoleum tiles of unknown origin found embedded in the asphalt of streets in about two dozen major cities in the United States and four South American capitals.

Study of History

A Study of History, a 12-volume book by British historian Arnold J. Toynbee, finished in 1961

Toynbee Hall

Charles Robert Ashbee, son of erotomaniac Henry Spencer Ashbee, created his Guild of Handicraft whilst a resident at Toynbee Hall in the late 1880s

Jane Addams, future winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, visited Toynbee Hall inspiring her establishment of Hull House in Chicago

Sir Nicolas Bratza, was a volunteer at Toynbee Hall's Free Legal Advice Centre in the 1960s.

United States Navy use of Hydrometer 1800s

Captain John Rodgers, Lieutenant Porter, and Dr. William Samuel Waithman Ruschenberger, all of the United States Navy did this as did Dr. Raymond, in the American steamer Golden Age, and Captain Henry Toynbee, (F.R.A.S., F.R.A.G.S) of the English East Indiaman the Gloriana.

see also