
3 unusual facts about Transcriptional regulation

Post-transcriptional regulation

After being produced, the stability and distribution of the different transcripts is regulated (post-transcriptional regulation) by means of RNA binding protein (RBP) that control the various steps and rates of the transcripts: events such as alternative splicing, nuclear degradation (exosome), processing, nuclear export (three alternative pathways), sequestration in DCP2-bodies for storage or degradation, and ultimately translation.

Poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) binds to a long poly(A) tail and mediates the interaction between EIF4E and EIF4G which encourages the initiation of translation.

Transcriptional regulation

General transcription factors These transcription factors position RNA polymerase at the start of a protein-coding sequence and then release the polymerase to transcribe the mRNA.

see also

Mir-1 microRNA precursor family

The heat shock protein, HSP60 is also known to be a target for post-transcriptional regulation by miR-1 and miR-206.