Monderman received an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy degree in traffic planning for outstanding achievements in the fields of traffic engineering, urban design, and project management.
Transport Planning Professional is a professional qualification for transport planners which has been developed by the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and the Transport Planning Society.
United States Department of Transportation | Bombardier Transportation | Southern Pacific Transportation Company | Department of Transportation | National Transportation Safety Board | CSX Transportation | Enterprise resource planning | New York City Department of Transportation | Transportation Security Administration | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority | urban planning | Planning Commission | Transportation Research Board | New York State Department of Transportation | California Department of Transportation | Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users | Florida Department of Transportation | Urban planning | Michigan Department of Transportation | Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation | Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City | Penal transportation | penal transportation | New York City Department of City Planning | Ministry of Transportation and Communications (Republic of China) | metropolitan planning organization | enterprise resource planning | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials | Utah Department of Transportation | Planning |
Greater Toronto Transportation Authority - the former legal name of Metrolinx, the Ontario provincial agency responsible for transportation planning in the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton
Henry M. Brinckerhoff (1868-1949) was a pioneering highway engineer who in 1906 partnered with William Barclay Parsons to found what would eventually be known as Parsons Brinckerhoff, one of the largest transportation, planning and engineering companies in the United States.
Parks worked as a transportation planner for private, public and non-profit companies including, Transportation Management Services, Commuter Transportation Service, and the City of Ventura with her transportation planning work included in the 1984 Summer Olympics and the Getty Museum.
Its application was developed in 1968, and it took almost another two decades before the first equilibrium assignment algorithm was embedded in commonly used transportation planning software (Emme and Emme/2, developed by Florian and others in Montreal).
Traffic analysis zone, a unit of geography most commonly used in conventional transportation planning models
It has been shelved by HRM staff and politicians, pending the provincial government's creation of a regional transportation planning authority, similar to what eastern Massachusetts did in the 1960s when MBTA was created.