
unusual facts about Triassic–Jurassic extinction event

Elvis taxon

The external morphology of specimens from before and after the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event were initially regarded identical.

Antonio Stoppani

Born in Lecco, Stoppani became professor of geology in the Royal Technical Institute of Milan, and was distinguished for his researches on the Triassic and Liassic formations of northern Italy.

Asian swamp eel

It arose from the Osteichthyes, the first bony fish, whose fossil record dates back to the Triassic period.

Aspers, Pennsylvania

The area surrounding the town is underlain by the Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Gettysburg Formation.


The broad plot synopsis of the Astrosaurs series is that the dinosaurs were not in fact wiped out when a large meteor hit the earth millions of years ago; they had in fact discovered space travel during the Triassic period and had already left earth by the time the meteor struck.


Bourgueticrinids first appeared in the fossil record during the Triassic period, although other crinoid groups, now extinct, originated in the Ordovician.


Fossil caddisfly have been found in rocks dating back to the Triassic.

Castelnovo ne' Monti

Other geographical landmarks include the Triassic chalk formations of the Gessi Triassici and the river Secchia which, together with the Pietra of Bismantova, are part of the National Park of the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano.

Clarence Moreton Basin

These are from some time in the Triassic period, and outcrop in a band north and south of Chillingham.

Clevelin Hills

In the southeast along the lake shore they are composed of Triassic Santa Ana Formation and Jurassic dacite and gabbro.

Culpeper Basin

The Culpeper Basin is one of the Newark Supergroup's Triassic rift basins.


The subclass Euechinoidea includes almost all living species of sea urchin, and fossil forms going back as far as the Triassic.


Fossils of Fedaiella are found in the marine strata of the Quaternary of Japan, Paleocene of Poland and Triassic of Italy.

Fold mountain

The Jura mountains - A series of sub-parallel mountainous ridges formed by folding over a Triassic evaporite decollement due to thrust movements in the foreland of the Alps.

Gifford Pinchot State Park

Approximately 180 million years ago, the diabase intruded into older Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Gettysburg Formation, consisting of red sandstone and shale.

Most of the park is underlain by Triassic diabase, an igneous rock, and the many large, rounded boulders within the park are made of this material.


Finally, the Lychniscosa, with the most tightly interlocking spicules is first found in rocks of Triassic age.

Intermontane Islands

The Intermontane Islands were a giant chain of active volcanic islands somewhere in the Pacific Ocean during the Triassic time beginning around 245 million years ago.

Johann August Georg Edmund Mojsisovics von Mojsvar

Mojsvar paid special attention to the Cephalopoda of the Austrian Triassic, and his publications include Das Gebirge urn Hallstatt (1873 1876); Die Dolomitrisse von Südtirol und Venetien (1878–1880); Grundlinien der Geologie von Bosnien-Herzegowina (1880) with E. Tietze and A. Bittner; Die Cephalopoden der mediterranen Triasprovinz (1882); Die cephalopoden der Hallsttter Kalke (187 31903) and Beiträge zur Kenntniss der obertriadischen Cephalopodenfaunen des Himalaya (1896).

Kunlun Mountains

The mountain range formed at the northern edges of the Cimmerian Plate during its collision, in the Late Triassic, with Siberia, which resulted in the closing of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean.

Little Haywood

Geologically, the village lies on Triassic sandstone of the Sherwood Sandstone Group, with overlying glacial deposits from the last glaciation of Great Britain.


The genus Lopha is present from the Triassic period in the Lower Norian age (216.5 ± 2.0 – 203.6 ± 1.5 Mya) to the recent age.


In 1966, the French paleontologists C. Larsonneur and Albert-Félix de Lapparent described a partial theropod skeleton from the Triassic-Jurassic boundary of Normandy as Halticosaurus sp.

Makhtesh Ramon

The pterioid bivalve Family Ramonalinidae is found in early Middle Triassic rocks of Makhtesh Ramon and was named after this feature.

Mesochorista proavita

The type locality belongs to the Blackstone Formation (Ipswich Coal Measures Group) and is dated to the Carnian age (228.0 - 216.5 million years ago) of the Triassic period.


Many specimens of Mixosaurus cornalianus have been found from the Middle Triassic of Monte San Giorgio and the Tessin areas on the border of Italy and Switzerland.

Molteno, Eastern Cape

The rocks preserve a record of gradual desertification over millions of years, starting from the Upper Triassic when the area was a warm swampland, and continuing into the late Jurassic when the region had become a desert.


Plagiosternum (plae-jee-oh-ster-num, meaning "sideways breastbone") was a middle Triassic temnospondyl that is native to Spitsbergen.

Po Valley

The Malossa gas condensate field was discovered in 1973 and produces at depths of 6 km from the Upper Triassic Dolomia Principale dolomite and the Lower Jurassic Zandobbio dolomite, capped by the Lower Cretaceous Marne di Bruntino marl.

Podgora, Dobrepolje

It is the only village in the polje located almost entirely on Triassic rock.

Polystrate fossil

They discovered that the “Spirorbis” fossils found in sedimentary strata, including the Joggins and other Carboniferous coal measures, deposited from the Ordovician to Triassic periods are the remains of an extinct order of lophophorates (now called microconchids) unrelated to modern marine tube worms (Annelids) to which the genus Spirorbis belongs.

Red Wing crater

The structural disturbance is filled by thick rocks of Jurassic age, suggesting that the impact took place during the Triassic.


American paleontologist Alfred Romer used the term in a similar sense, grouping most Permian and Triassic temnospondyls under Rhachitomi.

River Otter

The River Otter rises in the Blackdown Hills just inside the county of Somerset, England near Otterford, then flows south for some 32 km through East Devon to the English Channel at the western end of Lyme Bay, part of the Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Permian and Triassic sandstone aquifer in the Otter Valley is one of Devon's largest groundwater sources, supplying drinking water to 200,000 people.

Shell House

They are highly regarded for their scenery, and also for the exposures of geological strata, which include Ordovician Tumblagooda sandstone, Triassic Wittecarra sandstone and Kockatea shale.

Sherwood Sandstone Group

The Kinnerton Sandstone Formation (named from the twin villages of Higher and Lower Kinnerton on the England/Wales border west of Chester) is a sequence which ranges from 0m to over 150m thickness of largely aeolian sandstones of early Triassic age.

Ten Sleep, Wyoming

The prominent red sandstone, such as Signal cliff just west of Ten Sleep, as well as the dirt hills all along the west slope of the Big Horn Mountains are of the Chugwater formation (Triassic).

The Drowned World

Kerans is still tormented by his psycho-analytical tendencies, ever analysing and debating the regression of the environment into a neo-Triassic period, but the brief quiet is ended by the arrival of Strangman.


The Titanoptera are an extinct order of insects from the Triassic period.

Vicentino Prestes de Almeida

Friedrich von Huene named the carnivorous Triassic reptile Prestosuchus chiniquensis in Prestes's honor (from Prestes and Chiniquá, his birthplace).

Wilkes Land crater

However, there are already other suggested candidates for giant impacts at the Permian–Triassic boundary, for example Bedout off the northern coast of Western Australia, although all are equally contentious, and it is currently under debate whether or not an impact played any role in this extinction.

see also