
7 unusual facts about Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event

Chicxulub impactor

Because the estimated date of the object's impact and the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–Pg boundary) coincide, there is a scientific consensus that its impact was the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event which caused the demise of the planet's nonavian dinosaurs and other species.


Evidence for abundant Chlorobium populations is provided by chemical fossils found in sediments deposited at the Cretaceous mass extinction.

Flora family

The Flora family of asteroids may be the source of the Chicxlub (Cretaceous–Paleogene) impactor, the likely culprit in the extinction of the dinosaurs.


After taking a considerable hit during the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, they have been restricted to deeper waters through the Cenozoic.


The group took quite a hit at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–T boundary), with only the Pleurotomariidae surviving the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event – and then only in deep waters.

Super Time Force

Colonel Repeatski sends the Super Time Force, a time-traveling military organization, to prehistoric times to save the dinosaurs from extinction.

William F. Bottke

In 2007, Bottke published a paper in Nature (with David Vokrouhlicky and David Nesvorny), proposing that the asteroid that produced the Chicxulub Crater and caused the Cretaceous mass extinction (although the latter is still contended) formed during an asteroid breakup in the main asteroid belt approximately 160 million years ago.

9951 Tyrannosaurus

On November 21, 2002 it was renamed "Tyrannosaurus" after Tyrannosaurus, a genus of large carnivorous dinosaur of the late Cretaceous.


Afromaimetsha robusta is an extinct species of wasp which existed in Botswana during the late Cretaceous period, and the only species in the genus Afromaimetsha.

Alexander Wetmore

Several taxa of birds have been named in his honor, including the Cretaceous genus Alexornis and the tanagers Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron and Buthraupis wetmorei.


The genus is represented by two species, Auliepterix mirabilis in the Karabastau Svita of the Upper Jurassic of Kazakhstan (near Aulye) and Auliepterix minima in Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous rocks near Khotont Somon in the Mongolian Peoples Republic.

Banksia novae-zelandiae

Under the long-held view that the New Zealand flora has a Gondwanan element that has survived there at least since the Cretaceous, the presence of B. novae-zelandiae in New Zealand can be adequately explained by vicariance.


It underwent extensive diversification from mid or late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic, correlating with the radiation of flowering plants and associated herbivores, the main hosts of braconids.

Butterfly evolution

Some researchers theorize that butterflies most likely originated in the Cretaceous period when the continents were arrayed differently from their present positions and with climates unlike those of today.

Camille Recht

The earlier work of Recht involved paleophotography, and in particular of the Smellosaurus, considered by many to be the smelliest dinosaur in the Cretaceous period.

Canfield ocean

The term Strangelove ocean is a model name coined by a study published in 1985, which found a decrease in the δ13 C values of planktic skeletons following the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, causing a homogenous ocean in decades or centuries, visible in the boundary sediment layer as a manifestation of the elimination in the surface-to-bottom carbon isotope gradient in ocean waters, the halt of ocean primary production.


Fossils of the giant Beelzebufo from Cretaceous Madagascar suggest that the subfamily may have once ranged throughout the prehistoric supercontinent of Gondwana.

Clevelin Hills

To the northeast they are composed mostly of Lower Pleistocene or older fanglomerate underlain by Cretaceous grandiorite.


In 2003, O.W.M. Rauhut redefined the family Coeluridae to include Coelurus (Late Jurassic, North America), Compsognathus (Late Jurassic, Europe), Sinosauropteryx (Early Cretaceous, Asia) and an unnamed Compsognathus-like form (Early Cretaceous, South America; this dinosaur has since been placed in the new genus Mirischia).

Darren Tanke

The Cenomanian (early Late Cretaceous) marine bird Pasquiaornis tankei (Tokaryk, Cumbaa and Storer, 1997) from Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada was named in Tanke's honor.


"Domeykosaurus" (meaning "Domeyko lizard", after 19th century scientist Ignacy Domeyko) is the informal name given to an undescribed genus of dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous.

Earth immune system

James Lovelock's book "The Revenge of Gaia" suggests that Gaia has many mechanisms for eliminating civilisations that do harm through greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, but suggests that with increasing heat being received from the sun, Gaia's ability to "bounce back" as it did after the Permian and Cretaceous extinction events, may be increasingly compromised.

An opposite view is that humankind is Gaia's immune system itself, perhaps evolved to avert future catastrophes such as the Permian and Cretaceous mass extinctions of species.


These two lineages must have separated during the Mesozoic already, as Madagascar and the Indian Plate had separated by the end of the Cretaceous.

François Jules Pictet de la Rive

He now directed his attention to the fossils of his native country, more especially to those of the Cretaceous and Jurassic strata, and in 1854 he commenced the publication of his great work, Matériaux pour la paléontologie suisse, ou Recueil de monographies sur les fossiles du Jura et des Alpes..., a series of quarto memoirs, of which six were published (1854-1873).

Friedrich Adolph Roemer

He first described the Cretaceous and Jurassic strata of Germany in elaborate works entitled Die Versteinerungen des Norddeutschen Oolith-Gebirges (1836–39), Die Versteinerungen des Norddeutschen Kreidegebirges (1840–41) and Die Versteinerungen des Harzgebirges (1843).

Future Wars

Thanks to the documents the hero was carrying, they determined that the third bomb was planted in the Cretaceous period.

Geology of Antarctica

In West Antarctica conifer forests dominated through the entire Cretaceous period (146–65 Ma), though Southern beech began to take over at the end of this period.


Gwawinapterus is a genus of Mesozoic animal known from a single fossil specimen, representing the single species Gwawinapterus beardi, from the late Cretaceous period of British Columbia, Canada.


The highest concentration of species occurred in the Tethys Ocean during the upper Cretaceous.


Small hesperornithine bones are known from the freshwater deposits of the Late Cretaceous of the Judith River Group as well as the Hell Creek and Lance Formations as well as Eurasian sites.

Karl Alfred von Zittel

His earlier work comprised a monograph on the Cretaceous bivalve mollusca of Gosau (1863–66); and an essay on the Tithonian stage (1870), regarded as equivalent to the Purbeck and Wealden formations.


Several teeth referable to Lusitanisuchus were also found from Porto Dinheiro, Lourinhã in strata deposited during the Berriasian stage of the Early Cretaceous, extending the temporal range of this taxon by about 15 Ma.


Upper Cretaceous cyclic sequences in Germany and marl–opal-rich Tortonian-Messinian strata in the Sorbas basin related to multiple sea drawdown have been correlated with Milankovitch orbital forcing.

Melchior Neumayr

His more detailed researches related to the Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammonites and to the Tertiary freshwater mollusca; and in these studies he sought to trace the descent of the species.


I. Kirkland, B. B. Britt, C. H. Whittle, S. K. Madsen and D. L. Burge, A small coelurosaurian theropod from the Yellow Cat Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Barremian) of eastern Utah.


Known as the Embothriinae, this is an ancient group with roots in the mid Cretaceous, when Australia, Antarctica and South America were linked by land.


Birds, which were already well established by the end of the Cretaceous, also experienced an adaptive radiation as they took over the skies left empty by the now extinct Pterosaurs.

Pembina oil field

It taps reservoirs in the Cretaceous formations of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin for oil and gas production.

Po Valley

The Malossa gas condensate field was discovered in 1973 and produces at depths of 6 km from the Upper Triassic Dolomia Principale dolomite and the Lower Jurassic Zandobbio dolomite, capped by the Lower Cretaceous Marne di Bruntino marl.


There are some other, undescribed, presbyornithid or possible presbyornithid remains, such as the partial right scapula BMNH PAL 4989, which was considered part of Headonornis hantoniensis, but cannot be positively refererred to a known taxon, or the Early Cretaceous remains from the Mongolian Barun Goyot Formation at Uday Sayr


The egg-laying monotremes are known from fossils of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic periods; they are represented today by the platypus and several species of echidna.

Robert T. Hill

As a pioneer Texas geologist, Hill discovered and named the Comanche Series of the Lower Cretaceous, and was a lifelong student of the structure and stratigraphy of the Cretaceous deposits of Central Texas and neighboring regions.

Rock Springs Uplift

The Rock Springs Uplift is an area of uplifted Cretaceous to Eocene rocks in Wyoming surrounded and once covered by sediments of the Green River Formation which were deposited in the Eocene Lake Gosiute.

Rollover anticlines

Cretaceous aged sediments dominate the surface geology of the Mardin Structure, and its western limits are slightly past the point where Midyat Limestone dominates the surface.


It was 2.50 cm (1 in) long and possibly sucked the blood of pterosaurs in the Cretaceous, in the way that bat fleas feed on bat blood today.

South Fork Trinity River

The second most recent of the terranes—dating to the Cretaceous—which is composed almost entirely of granite, brought with it a strip of mica that roughly aligns with the present course of the South Fork Trinity River.

Stone Wall

It is of geological interest because it provides outstanding exposures of five Cretaceous formations unconformably overlying the Ordovician Tumblagooda sandstone.

Torotoro National Park

The Torotoro National Park offers scrubby woodland with wildlife like flocks of parakeets and the red-fronted macaw, as well as typical features of karst terrain like caves and dolines, Paleozoic and Cretaceous calcitic deposits with fossils, and panoramic landscapes eroded by glaciers, wind and waters.

Walter Alvarez

Alvarez and his father Luis W. Alvarez are most widely known for their discovery (with Frank Asaro and Helen Michel) that a clay layer occurring right at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary was highly enriched in the element iridium.

Whistler Mountain

Granular material, such as clay, sand and slit, was carried into the ancient ocean by rivers that existed during the Cretaceous period.

X-COM: Terror from the Deep

Eventually, it is revealed the aquatic aliens came to Earth on a massive spacecraft, known as T'Leth, that crashed into what is now the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs.

see also

Gerta Keller

The main evidence for the Alvarez hypothesis that a single impact resulted in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event that killed the dinosaurs has come from the presence around the world of shocked quartz granules, glass spherules and tektites embedded in a layer of clay with extremely high levels of iridium, all signs of an asteroid impact.