
unusual facts about Trunks


A name for the Trunk line operator requested in pre-Subscriber trunk dialling telephone systems by a subscriber calling the local operator - British usage

Alexander Stewart Jolly

When designing Nebraska (Gordon, New South Wales, 1921), Jolly broke away from the traditional bungalow form of thick exterior pillars, and replaced these with rough stone piles supporting pillars made from large tree trunks and branches that became beams and supports.

Asura cervicalis

The larvae have been observed on Ficus, Acacia and Eucalyptus species, but is suspected of feeding only on the Lichens on the trunks and branches of these plants.

Australian Owlet-nightjar

The Australian Owlet-nightjar feeds at night by diving from perches and snatching insects from the air, ground or off trunks and branches, in the manner of a flycatcher.

Buchanan, Liberia

Buchanan Renewable Energies, a firm based in Toronto, Canada that processes chips from rubber tree trunks into biofuel, has begun operations in the city.

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2

Giving the possibility that the storyline from The History of Trunks and Trunks: The Story might be in the game's story mode in some form.

Epipompilus insularis

insularis females hunt, usually in sunshine for retreat-making spiders in the concealed places where female spiders retreat to, such as rolled dead leaves; hollow plant stems; flax bushes; dead rolled fronds of tree-ferns; the abandoned cocoons of the bag-moth Liothula omnivora; deserted galleries of wood-boring beetles; and even the empty hatched galls of the moth Morova subfasciata in Muehlenbeckia australis and beneath loose bark on tree trunks.

Euanthe sanderiana

Euanthe sanderiana is endemic to Mindanao in the provinces of Davao, Cotabato, and Zamboanga where it is found on the trunks of dipterocarp trees at elevations below 500 meters.

Ham Castle

The diary of Mistress Joyce Jeffreys, who took refuge there from the Parliamentary forces, contains various entries of fees paid for burying and digging up trunks and other property, according to the movements of the enemy.

Infurcitinea argentimaculella

The larvae feed on lichens, including Lepraria species, growing on shady rocks, walls or tree trunks.

Jumping the shark

In the episode, the central characters visit Los Angeles, where a water-skiing Fonzie (Henry Winkler) answers a challenge to his bravery by wearing swim trunks and his trademark leather jacket, and jumping over a confined shark.


In 2004 he changed his ring name to Leono, the Spanish name for Lion-O of the ThunderCats, which was also reflected in the fact that Leono often had the ThunderCats logo on his trunks.

Los Bancos Canton

Local tradition attributes the "Los Bancos" part of the name to the use of tree trunks as benches at the junction of the through road from Quito to Esmeraldas with the road into the Rio Blanco valley.

Petrified forest of Lesbos

The area enclosed by the villages of Eressos, Antissa and Sigri is very dense in fossilized tree trunks and forms the Petrified Forest of Lesvos, which is managed by the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest.

Polystrate fossil

Northeast of Donaldsonville, Louisiana, a borrow pit excavated for fill used to maintain nearby artificial levees, exposed three levels of rooted upright tree trunks stacked on top of each other lying completely buried beneath the surface of Point Houmas, a patch of floodplain lying within a meander loop of the current course of the Mississippi River.

Sabal palmetto

On June 28, 1776, Charleston patriots under William Moultrie made a fort of palmetto trunks and from it defended successfully against the British in the Revolutionary War.

Shaniwar Wada

All the state halls in the buildings are said to have doorways with exquisitely carved teak arches, with ornamental teardrop teak pillars shaped like Suru (cypress tree) trunks supporting the ceilings, which were covered with beautiful teak tracery, carved creepers and flowers.

Stig Severinsen

In March 2010 he swam 236 feet (72 meters) under ice wearing only swimming trunks and goggles adding 47.6 feet (14.5 meters) to Wim Hof's record from March 2000.


It was accidentally introduced to Kew in 1853 in material surrounding trunks of tree ferns sent from Natal by Captain Garden.

Sympathetic trunk

The sympathetic trunks (sympathetic chain, gangliated cord) are a paired bundle of nerve fibers that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx.

The West Hollywood Blondes

The Blondes were implied to be homosexuals, wearing pink trunks emblazoned with large pink triangles (a symbol of the gay community) and with Lane sporting pigtails, facial glitter and a lollipop.

Toll-free number portability

Each exchange prefix in the +1-800 area code was assigned to a specific carrier in a specific region (for instance, +1-800-387 was Bell Canada in Toronto) and the numbers were brought to subscribers (usually large companies or governmental organisations) on special fixed-rate inbound trunks.

Trentepohlia aurea

Trentepohlia aurea is a green alga that grows on the trunks and branches of Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) where the tree occurs in coastal central California.

Triadan Gritti

Ottoman forces attempted to block the Venetian fleet in Bojana by clogging the mouth of Bojana with a cut tree trunks, just like Serbian voivode Mazarek did during Second Scutari War.

Washingtonia filifera

The palm boring beetle Dinapate wrightii (Bostrichidae) can chew through the trunks of this as well as other palms.

Werrikimbe National Park

There is a great variety of vegetation here, depending on rainfall and altitude: eucalypt woodlands, coachwoods, southern sassafras, stinging trees, long-leaf waxflowers and yellow carabeens with their flying buttressed trunks.

see also