
3 unusual facts about Tudor Vladimirescu

Hermes o Logios

There is a special appendix to the issue of April 1, 1821, containing a Greek translation of an article dated March 29, taken from the Wiener Zeitung, which reports on the uprising of Alexandros Ypsilantis and Tudor Vladimirescu in the Danubian Principalities, that marked the beginning of the Greek War of Independence, and also states the official Austrian standpoint.

Tudor Vladimirescu

Together, they produced a plan for insurrection, with the two Eterist representatives (Giorgakis Olympios and Ioan Farmache) assuring the Wallachians of Russian support for the common cause.

However, as they could no longer trust Phanariote rule in the face of its infiltration by Greek nationalism (Ypsilanti himself came from a Phanariote family - see Alexandru Ipsilanti, his grandfather, and Constantin Ipsilanti, his father), the Ottomans returned the two Principalities to rule by and through locals (in 1822): Grigore IV Ghica in Wallachia, Ioan Sturdza (Ioniţă Sandu Sturdza) in Moldavia.

see also