Type 45 destroyer, a class of Royal Navy air defence destroyers, launched from 2006 to 2010
The Type 45 destroyers, launched from 2006 onwards, are also known as the Daring class.
He is particularly critical of the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Type 45 destroyer and the Nimrod MRA4 as being both overpriced and of little military value.
type species | destroyer | type | Type (biology) | Diabetes mellitus type 1 | Type O Negative | Diabetes mellitus type 2 | Volkswagen Type 2 | Type I and type II errors | Destroyer | Type 56 assault rifle | type (biology) | Type 38 | Conan the Destroyer | Bugatti Type 57 | Type II supernova | Type Directors Club | Type 38 rifle | type genus | Type 59 | Type 45 destroyer | Korean Destroyer eXperimental | Kongō-class destroyer | Jaguar S-Type | Handley Page Type O | German destroyer Z18 Hans Lüdemann | Geranylgeranyltransferase type 1 | destroyer ''Kongō'' (DDG-173) | Blood type | Word (data type) |