
2 unusual facts about Type 95 Ha-Go

192nd Tank Battalion

Hanes ordered the tank platoon, led by LT Ben R. Morin, to move north from the town of Damortis, where here on 22 December 1941, the platoon of M3 Stuarts ran into Japanese Type 95 light tanks from the Imperial Japanese Army 4th Tank Regiment.

Manchukuo Imperial Army

During the war, a Manchukuo version of the Mitsubishi Light Tank (Type 95 Ha-Go) in use in training tank schools, but did not reach substantial operational deployment.

see also

Cavalry Tank Museum, Ahmednagar

Amongst the exhibits are British Valentine, Japanese type 95 HA-GO and Tyand-97 Chi- Ha, Sherman Crab flail tank, M-47 Patton Centurion Mark ll, German Panzer and pride of India Vijayanta.