
unusual facts about USS PC-1168

USS PC-1168

PC-1168 is notable for being the ship on which the film You're in the Navy Now, which starred Gary Cooper, was filmed in 1950.

Álvaro Pérez de Lara

During the latter part of his career, Álvaro ruled Asturias de Santillana (1156–70) and briefly held the tenencia of Burgos (1168), the top military post in the capital of Castile.

Bertram de Verdun

In 1168 William Basset of Sapcote was Sheriff of Warwickshire and was accused of misappropriation of treasury monies.

Coronado Islands

In May 1943 the U.S. Navy's USS PC-815, commanded by L. Ron Hubbard, conducted unauthorized gunnery exercises involving the shelling of the Coronado Islands, in the belief they were uninhabited and belonged to the United States.

Eleanor, Countess of Vermandois

Her second marriage in 1164 was to William IV, Count of Nevers; this marriage was also brief lasting only four years when William died at Acre in 1168 on crusade.

Geoffrey of Clairvaux

In the political events of the time he had only a small share; thus, in 1167 and 1168, he took part in the negotiations tending towards the reconciliation of Pope Alexander III (1159–81) with the Emperor Frederic Barbarossa and King Henry II of England.

Henry, Count of Montescaglioso

Henry or Enrico di Navarra (before 1144–1173×77), born Rodrigo, was a son of García Ramírez of Navarre and Marguerite de l'Aigle, and brother of Queen Margaret of Sicily, who made him Count of Montescaglioso (1166) and then Count of the Principate (1168).


After a series of attacks, ambushes and partial victories, he landed at Arkona with his fleet on 19 May 1168, accompanied by his army commander and close friend, Bishop Absalon.

Jiangnan Examination Hall

Jiangnan Examination Hall was first built in the 4th year of the Xiaozong reign (Qiandao era) of the Southern Song (1168 CE).

Qutb ad-Din Mawdud

At the beginning of 1168, Kara Arslan, the Artuqid emir of Hasankeyf, died, and Qutb ad-Din Mawdud tried to conquer that city; but he was pushed back by Nur ad-Din, who had promised to defend Arslan's successors.

Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Provence

He received Cerdanya, including Carcassonne and Narbonne, on his father's death, but relinquished it to his younger brother Sancho in 1168.

Robert of Caserta

In 1168, when Count Bohemond II of Manoppello accused Count Richard of Molise of a conspiracy against the Chancellor Stephen du Perche, it was Robert who prevented the case from being settled by judicial duel when he alleged that Richard had also illegally acquired the town of Mandra and others near Troia from the crown.

St Mary's Cathedral, Limerick

Limerick Cathedral (St Mary's) is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in 1168 and is the oldest building in Limerick which is in daily use.

Titular see of Bethlehem

In 1168 the crusader William IV, Count of Nevers had promised the bishop of Bethlehem that if the city fell into Muslim hands he or his successors would welcome him to Clamecy in Burgundy.

USS PC-1136

The ship was named Galena (PC-1136) on 15 February 1956, after cities in Alaska, Kansas, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, and Ohio; all of those which were named for a native lead sulfide, the chief ore of lead.

USS PC-1138

She operated on patrol and escort duties in the Solomons, occasionally sailing to islands to the south, until departing for Ulithi, where she arrived on 14 December.

USS PC-1141

On 7 August she got underway as escort unit of a convoy which arrived at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, on 17 August.

USS PC-1264

PC-1264 was the first sailing assignment of future Admiral Gravely, the first African American to attain that rank.

USS PC-496

PC-496 was built by Leathem D. Smith Coal and Shipbuilding Co. in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, being laid down on 24 April 1941.

USS PC-558

After firing on the Neger with 20 mm and 40 mm cannon fire and dropping two depth charges, PC-558 successfully destroyed the vessel and captured the sole occupant, Oberfähnrich Walter Schulz.

USS PC-565

The only survivor of the 52 men aboard, Captain Klaus Bargsten, was rescued by PC-565 and his testimony substantiated PC-565's victory.

USS PC-815

However, the subsequent investigation by the Commander NW Sea Frontier, Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher, cast a skeptical light on Hubbard's claims.

It was commanded for about eighty days in 1943 by L. Ron Hubbard, who later became the founder of Scientology.

Veera Ballala II

Bijjala Kalachuri had occupied the Kalyani, capital of the Western Chalukyas king, Tailapa III between 1155-1158 AD and was still ruling in 1168 AD before his death.

Viscounty of Léon

Guihomar of Léon (1168-1179) - Guyomarch IV de Léon - Harvey's son; viscounty seized by Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany

Walter of the Mill

He rose through the ranks until he was a canon of the Cappella Palatina and a candidate for the vacant archiepiscopal throne of 1168, after the deposition of Stephen du Perche.

William de Turbeville

On four different occasions he had the boy's remains transferred to more honourable places, and in 1168 erected a chapel in his honor in Mousehold Wood, where the boy's body was said to have been found.

William IV, Count of Nevers

William IV, Count of Nevers, (c. 1130 – Acre, 24 October 1168) Count of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre (1161–1168).

Before his death in 1168, he promised the bishop of Bethlehem that if Bethlehem should ever fall into Muslim hands, he would welcome him or his successors in Clamecy.

see also