In Section 203(a) of the Central Utah Project Completion Act, the United States Congress authorized a federally authorized and funded replacement project to replace the Uinta and Upalco Units of the Central Utah Project (CUP) which were not constructed.
Big Sand Wash – Roosevelt Pipeline - The Big Sand Wash – Roosevelt Pipeline will deliver project M&I water to Roosevelt, Utah as well as project irrigation water to the lower portions of Lake Fork drainage systems.
The Uinta Indian Irrigation Project - The principal Indian irrigation project in the Basin is the Uinta Indian Irrigation Project.
Manhattan Project | Amazon Basin | Project Runway | Project Mercury | Great Basin | drainage basin | Human Genome Project | The Blair Witch Project | Project Gemini | Drainage basin | Project Greenlight | Tarim Basin | Project Nike | Project Blue Book | Federal Art Project | Project Orion | Men's Recovery Project | Eden Project | Congo Basin | World Justice Project | Basin Reserve | Wounded Warrior Project | The Octopus Project | The Alan Parsons Project | Project Xanadu | Gotan Project | German nuclear energy project | Vienna Basin | Tony Hawk's Project 8 | Thuringian Basin |