
unusual facts about Unknown

¿Qué dice la gente?

In 2008, the show was reduced to a half hour in order to pair up with the Spanish-language version of the short-lived 1982-83 American game show Child's Play under the name Dame la Pista or (Give Me a Clue) hosted by Alessandra Rosaldo as it was cancelled along with ¿Qué dice la gente? for "unknown" reasons.

13th Guards Rifle Division

Incidentally, the Belov that commanded the Corps that bought hundreds of thousands of Red Army soldiers their lives is unknown, but the possibilities are as follows: Alexander Belov, Alexei Belov, Grigori Belov, Ivan Belov, Nikolai Belov, Pavel Belov, Vladimir Belov, and Yetvtikhihy Belov, as all of these men were Red Army officers who participated in the Battle of Kiev.


According to Avestan sources, Afrasiab was killed by Haoma near the Čīčhast (possibly either referring to Lake Hamun in Sistan or some unknown lake in today's Central Asia), and according to Shahnameh he met his death in a cave known as the Hang-e Afrasiab, or the dying place of Afrasiab, on a mountaintop in Azerbaijan.


According to Pherecydes, Agenor's first wife was Damno, daughter of Belus, who bore him Phoenix and two otherwise unknown daughters, Isaia and Melia, who married Aegyptus and Danaus respectively; Agenor then fathered Cadmus with Argiope, daughter of Neilus.

Anna de' Medici, Archduchess of Austria

For instance, a collection of monodies by Pietro Antonio Giramo, entitled Hospedale degli Infermi d'amore, was dedicated to Anna in Naples in the mid-seventeenth century (the specific date is unknown); it humorously presented the various forms of insanity caused by love.

Bernard Quiriny

His latest work, Monsieur Spleen, is a biography of the symbolist poet Henri de Régnier, an author today largely unknown in modern literary circles.


For example, the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center of the USGS uses bolide as a generic term that describes any large crater-forming impacting body of which its composition (for example, whether it is a rocky or metallic asteroid, or an icy comet) is unknown.

Carolyn Dennis

Their marriage and parenthood was completely unknown to both Dylan's fans and the media until the 2001 publication of Down the Highway: The Life Of Bob Dylan by Howard Sounes.

Collagen, type XXIII, alpha 1

The functions of collagen XXIII are still unknown, although it is believed that they could be similar to other transmembrane proteins, such as collagen XIII.

Constant Pressure System

Although it is unknown exactly what the dispute was over, it is strongly suggested that Hasbro was suing for the Water Warriors Hydro Power water guns, which were becoming too similar to Hasbro's Constant Pressure System.

Dan Rice

He won the affection of many newspapers and publicists, including those of a then unknown Mark Twain and Walt Whitman.

Delville Wood Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery

Sited opposite the Delville Wood South African Memorial and designed by Sir Herbert Baker, Delville Wood cemetery is located just off the D20 that runs between Longueval and Guillemont (11 km east of Albert), France and contains 5,523 burials of which two-thirds are unknown.

Empress Lü

Empress Lü (Houshao) (呂皇后, personal name unknown) (died 180 BC), wife of Emperor Houshao of Han


It was isolated by chemists at the Upjohn company in 1955 from the mycelium and culture filtrates of a previously unknown actinomycete, Streptomyces filipinensis, that was discovered in a soil sample collected in the Philippine Islands.

Float Woods

Joseph 'Float' Woods (born about 1872 in Barbados, death details unknown) was a coloured West Indian cricketer best known as a member of the 1900 West Indian tourists to England.

Frederick Hitch

Some unforeseen, and unknown, disaster meant that by the time of his death in 1913 he was living alone in Chiswick, West London at 62 Cranbrook Road where he is commemorated with a blue plaque from English Heritage.

Fujiwara no Norimichi

He was familiar with Koshikibu no Naishi (小式部内侍) (real name is unknown) (died 1025), daughter of Tachibana no Michisada and Lady Izumi Shikibu.

Galisteo Basin

Various peoples, known and unknown, inhabited the area, including the Tano (Arizona Tewa), East Rio Grande Keresan, Pecos, and Tewa.

Ghanim Ghudayer

On September 3, 2006, he was abducted by unknown assailants, some of whom were wearing military uniforms.

Human trafficking in Madagascar

The government’s Antananarivo-based Manjary Soa Center withdrew an unknown number of children from the worst forms of child labor and provided them with education or vocational training.

Jeffrey Dunstan

Bootham Park Hospital in York holds the only known portrait of him (artist unknown).

Jhan Gero

Gero was employed at some unknown time as maestro di cappella for Pietro Antonio Sanseverino, the Prince of Bisignano, according to the dedicatory epistle to Gero's 1555 book of motets.


Many of the locations no longer exist: the location at Neonopolis in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada (which closed in 2008 after also being used as a concert venue) and the location at Peabody Place in Memphis, Tennessee, which shut down in 2009, and the Jillians of Youngstown, Ohio at the Southern Park Mall was closed down on January 30, 2011 but for reasons unknown.

Juan de Castellanos

Juan de Castellanos (born in Spain in the first half of the sixteenth century; date of death unknown) was a Criollo poet, soldier and Catholic priest.

La Celestina

Although most scholars admit that an earlier version by an unknown author already existed, the first known edition is credited to be the Comedy published in Burgos by printer Fadrique Aleman in 1499 with the title Comedia de Calisto y Melibea (Comedy of Calisto and Melibea).

Larry Grayson

He initially used the stage-name Billy Breen, but changed it to Larry Grayson in the 1950s on the advice of his agent; (He was still performing as Billy Breen in August 1962) BBC TV's "The One Show" reported on 27 November, 2012 that the name "Grayson" was taken from the American singer Kathryn Grayson, but the origin of the name "Larry" is unknown.

Martha Copeland

Copeland's birth date is unknown, although Paul Oliver in his record sleeve notes to The Story of The Blues, Vol. 2, commented that she was in her forties when Victoria Spivey (born 1906) was in her teens.

Max Sterling

The canonical status of Aurora Sterling, who is a character in the decanonized Jack McKinney novels, is unknown, although it has been suggested that Maia is meant to replace Aurora in the rebooted Robotech timeline.

Measles outbreaks in the 21st century

According to newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, there were 161 infections, of which 5 infected victims were hospitalized critically ill. 2 of the victims had meningitis, two others had pneumonia and from one of them, the complications are still unknown.

Mibu no Tadami

Mibu no Tadami (dates unknown, 壬生忠見) was a middle Heian period waka poet and Japanese nobleman.

Millicent Rogers

Millicent Rogers was romantically linked to a number of notable men throughout her life, including author Roald Dahl, actor Clark Gable, the author Ian Fleming, the Prince of Wales, Prince Serge Obolensky, and an unknown "heir to the Italian throne".

Pacha Kamaq

The Huari, the Pachacamac empire, Chancay, Chimor and Ichma possessed the city of Pachacamac at some point but it is unknown if any other peoples, apart from the Ichma, worshipped the Pacha Kamaq deity.

Portrait of Yevgeny Mravinsky

In 2007 the «Portrait of Yevgeny Mravinsky» has been described and reproduced in the book «Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School» among 350 selected works by artists of the Leningrad School.

Power Rangers RPM

Australian actor Eka Darville, who previously starred in series three of Blue Water High, was reported to have a role in September 2008 in what was then unknown as RPM or Racing Performance Machines which began production in September 2008 in New Zealand.

Race Life of the Aryan Peoples

So of the Aryan folk; not the Vedas, not the Avestas, not the Iliad, or the Nibelungenlied, or Beowulf, but the marvelous tale of what the Aryan man has lived—how he has subdued the wild and waste lands—how he has made the desert to blossom as the rose—how he has built up empire with ax and plow, and has sailed the unknown paths of the seas—these are his true race epic.

Schinia immaculata

The larval food plant is unknown, but the vegetation in the areas where it is found are dominated by Tamarix Prosopis, Acacia and desert shrubs.

Scott Bartlett

His science fiction epic feature "Innerseed" was in pre-production for many years, having completed a pre-visualization version starring a then unknown William Hurt.

Shadow Divers

In 1991, a group of divers, including Richie Kohler and John Chatterton, set out on Seeker to explore an unknown object lying 230 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean and discover an apparent historical impossibility: a World War II German U-Boat off the coast of New Jersey.

Slip End

The name of Slip End possibly has a connection with the brickworks, Slip is an old English word for clay and End is quite common in Bedfordshire and not unknown in other counties.

Stanford Clock Tower

On May 10, 1983, when then-Stanford president Donald Kennedy unveiled the new clock tower, he burst out laughing: the clock's west face had been covered with Mickey Mouse's face and hands by an unknown prankster.

Take Me to the Pilot

The lyrics possess many elements: betrayal, either political or personal ("treason"); the illusion of danger ("through a glass eye"); and fearlessness toward the unknown ("take me to the pilot of your soul").

Tanvir Mokammel

Achin Pakhi (The Unknown Bard): A documentary on the life and musicology of Fakir Lalon Shah, the doyen among the wandering sect of the folk-singers of rural Bengal known as the Bauls.

The Friend of God from the Oberland

Jundt Les Amis de Dieu (1879) This book shared Preger's view that the Friend was a great unknown who lived in or near Chur (Coire) in Switzerland.

The Sucker

Unknown to Maréchal, Saroyan is the leader of a criminal organization and the Cadillac is filled with drugs, stolen gold and diamonds, including the largest diamond in the World, the Youkounkoun.

Trần Thiếu Đế

Trần Thiếu Đế (Born 1396, date of death unknown), given name Trần An, was the twelfth and the last emperor of the Trần Dynasty who reigned over Đại Việt from 1398 to 1400.

Typology of Greek vase shapes

Much of our written information about Greek pots comes from such late writers as Athenaios and Pollux and other lexicographers who described vases unknown to them, and their accounts are often contradictory or confused.

Ueda Akinari

Born to an Osaka prostitute and an unknown father, Ueda was adopted in his fourth year by a wealthy merchant who reared him in comfort and provided him with a good education.


Its precise location is unknown, it may be however located under the so-far unexcavated mound of Tell el Fakhariya, near Tell Halaf in Syria, to the east of the Euphrates river.

William Austin Starmer

The identity of the artists was unknown until an invoice was discovered from William A. Starmer to the Jerome Remick Music Company, with a printed heading describing Starmer as artist and medical draughtsman.

William Blackledge

Born in Craven County, North Carolina (his birthdate remains unknown), Blackledge was a member of the North Carolina House of Commons from 1797 to 1799 before being elected to the 8th United States Congress in 1802.

see also