
unusual facts about Upper Hesse

Siege of Dorsten

According to a judgement by the Vienna Supreme Court (Wiener Hofgericht), Hesse-Cassel had to cede Upper Hesse, which included the University of Marburg, to Hesse-Darmstadt.

Erika Mann

The partially mischievous pranks that she undertook in the so-called “Herzogpark-Bande” with Klaus and befriended neighborhood children prompted her parents to send her and her brother Klaus to a progressive residential school, the Bergschule Hochwaldhausen, which was located in Vogelsberg in Oberhessen.

Frankfurt-Hanau Railway

The Hessian Ludwig Railway (Hessische Ludwigs-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft, HLB), which was established in the Grand Duchy of Hesse recognized the importance of the HLB for the expansion of railway services in the Rhine-Main region, particularly to the province of Upper Hesse (an exclave of the Grand Duchy), from the Rhine-Main area to Bavaria and via the Kinzig valley to Bebra.

Lower Hesse

The term Lower Hesse originated in the Middle Ages for the so-called "lower principality" of Hesse, which was separated until 1450 from the so-called "upper principality" (later Upper Hesse) by the comital lands of Ziegenhain.

see also

Upper Hessian Railway Company

Whilst the Main-Weser railway had linked Wetterau, a town in the western part of the province of Upper Hesse, to the new mode of transport as early as 1850-1852, much of the area, around the Vogelsberg, remained without any railway connexions for years.