
unusual facts about V Corps

George Sykes

He continued his association with regulars in the early defensive positions around Washington, D.C., and then as a division commander of regulars in the Peninsula Campaign, the 2nd Division of the V Corps.

John Porter Hatch

In March 1862, Hatch assumed command of the cavalry of the V Corps under Major General Nathaniel P. Banks.

Paul Bloomquist

Bloomquist was killed by a bombing attack by the Red Army Faction on the Headquarters of the V Corps in the IG Farben Building in Frankfurt.

see also

Bernhardt Line

Meanwhile, inland of V Corps, Orsogna had suffered three successive assaults but XIII Corps spearheaded by 2nd New Zealand Division could not get past the defending 26th Panzer Division.

V Amphibious Corps

During the course of the war, V Corps was initially commanded by General Holland 'Howlin Mad' Smith and later by General Harry Schmidt.