
unusual facts about VI Corps

1st New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

The regiment and brigade served as the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the VI Corps, and participated in numerous battles from the June 27, 1862, Battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia, to the final Union assaults on Confederate positions at Petersburg, Virginia, in April 1865.

3rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

The regiment and brigade served as the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the VI Corps, and participated in numerous battles from the June 27, 1862, Battle of Gaines Mill, Virginia, to the final Union assaults on Confederate positions at Petersburg, Virginia, in April 1865.

Battle of Sorovich

While advancing however, the division was caught at unawares near Banitsa (modern Vevi) by an attack of the Ottoman VI Corps (part of the Vardar Army with the 16th, 17th and 18th Nizamiye divisions), which was retreating following the battle of Prilep with the Serbs.

Charles Nicolas Fabvier

Napoleon rewarded him by naming him artillery major in the VI Corps under Marshal Ney.

see also

Ernest J. Dawley

The VI Corps took part in the Allied invasion of Italy at Salerno on September 9, 1943, with the British X Corps under Fifth Army as part of Operation Avalanche.

Henry L. Eustis

In the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac preceding Ulysses S. Grant’s Overland Campaign in 1864, Eustis’s brigade was moved to the 2nd Division of VI Corps under Brig. Gen. George Getty.

Operation Buffalo

The breakout from the Operation Shingle Anzio beachhead by the U.S. VI Corps commencing on 23 May 1944

Thomas H. Neill

When VI Corps was reorganized in the winter of 1863-1864, Neill retained his brigade; but Howe was replaced by BG George Getty.

United States Army North

VI Corps was withdrawn from the line and replaced by the French Expeditionary Corps under General Alphonse Juin.

William B. Franklin

In March 1862, the army was formed into corps, and Franklin appointed to head of the VI Corps, which he then led in the Peninsula Campaign.