Brazos Valley Council of Governments, a voluntary association of cities, counties and special districts in the Brazos Valley region of Central Texas
Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council, a voluntary association of cities, counties and special districts in the Rio Grande Valley region of southern Texas
Las Vegas Valley | Second Vatican Council | World Boxing Council | United States National Research Council | National Research Council | Privy Council of the United Kingdom | British Council | Death Valley | Silicon Valley | San Fernando Valley | Council of Trent | Council of Europe | National Security Council | Legislative Council | Privy Council of England | Greater London Council | Council on Foreign Relations | Squaw Valley, Placer County, California | Lord President of the Council | United States National Security Council | Squaw Valley | Legislative Council of Hong Kong | City Council | World Council of Churches | Council of Constance | United Nations Security Council | Shenandoah Valley | New York City Council | London County Council | Willamette Valley |
In 1965 the Fitchburg Area Council, between Lancaster and Acton, Massachusetts, merged with the Wachusett Council to form the present-day Nashua Valley Council.