The new agency, by mandate of an Apostolic Letter, is charged with monitoring the monetary and commercial activities of Vatican agencies, such as the Governorate of Vatican City State, the Vatican Bank, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, and smaller agencies such as the Vatican Pharmacy, the Vatican Supermarket, and the Vatican Museums.
Vatican | Second Vatican Council | Vatican City | Vatican Museums | Pharmacy | pharmacy | First Vatican Council | CVS Pharmacy | Vatican Secret Archives | Vatican Library | Vatican Radio | Sex Crimes and the Vatican | Vatican Hill | Shoppers Food & Pharmacy | Pharmacy Salvator | Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy | Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy | Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences | Victorian Pharmacy | Vatican's silence during the Holocaust | Vatican's | Vatican Pharmacy | Vatican Observatory | Vatican lira | Vatican city | University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Pharmacy | University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy | Tom Thumb Food & Pharmacy | Skaggs School of Pharmacy | Sex Crimes and the Vatican (film) |