Multiplayer features scenarios, including reaching extraction points, defending objectives, and eliminating the enemy's VIP and simultaneously protecting their own.
After 1968, operations decreased significantly; the Air Base was used mainly as a VIP airport for politicians and the royal family.
Important Bird Area | Model (person) | model (person) | first-person shooter | Mononymous person | First-person narrative | Grammatical person | Important Cultural Properties of Japan | first person | Very Important Person | third person | Non-resident Indian and Person of Indian Origin | Non-resident Indian and person of Indian origin | The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra | The Good Person of Szechwan | Person of color | Morehead River Important Bird Area | Marilyn Manson (person) | A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia | Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra | Missing person | Important Intangible Cultural Properties of Korea | first-person narrative | Fan (person) | fan (person) | Eric Person | Very Important Person (person) | Vagabond (person) | Third-person shooter | third-person shooter |
He was later transferred to the Air Force station in Accra, Ghana, as a VIP Pilot flying Herons from 1963 to 1965.
VIPs have been known to use the Rhinos, including U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, General Richard Myers, and Matthew Roloff.