Virtuous circle and vicious circle, or vicious cycle, a complex of events that reinforces itself through a feedback loop
Fenian Cycle | Sid Vicious | National Cycle Network | Cardiac cycle | 24-hour news cycle | The Kentucky Cycle | The Baroque Cycle | Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle | Dream Cycle | Cycle World | Virtuous circle and vicious circle | Ulster Cycle | Stirling cycle | Segregated cycle facilities | Post-Vulgate Cycle | Biological life cycle | Tillerman Cycle | The Riftwar Cycle | The Prayer Cycle | solar cycle | Reynolds Cycle Technology | Otto cycle | National Cycle Route 73 | National Cycle Route 1 | Motor Cycle News | Inheritance Cycle | Giovanni Baleison, ''Cycle on the life of Saint Sebastian'', fresco, detail of main altar, St. Sebastian Church, Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée | Combined cycle | Classic cycle races | classic cycle races |
Vicious Cycle was founded in 2000 by Eric Peterson, Dave Ellis, Marc Racine and Wayne Harvey after layoffs at the local MicroProse development studio (then a Hasbro Interactive studio) forced several game developers into finding other work.