
4 unusual facts about Victor Clube

Bill Napier

The result of his collaboration with Victor Clube and others on the role of giant comets in Earth history is known as coherent catastrophism.

Comet Encke

In their 1982 book Cosmic Serpent (page 155) Victor Clube and Bill Napier reproduce an ancient Chinese catalogue of cometary shapes from the Mawangdui Silk Texts, which includes a swastika-shaped comet, and suggest that some of the comet drawings were related to the breakup of the progenitor of Encke and the Taurid meteoroid stream.

Victor Clube

Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 251, 632-648, with D. I. Steel and D. J. Asher.

Clube is a professional astronomer, he has been Dean of the Astrophysics Department of Oxford University and has worked at the observatories of Edinburgh, Armagh and Cape Town.

see also