
3 unusual facts about Vincent of Beauvais

Fons memorabilium universi

This organization had been developed in the 13th century by Vincent of Beauvais in his Speculum naturale and had also been used by Bartholomaus Anglicus in his De proprietatibus rerum and by Thomas of Cantimpré in his Liber de natura rerum.

Friedrich Christoph Schlosser

On the other hand a translation of the pedagogical handbook of Vincent of Beauvais and the accompanying monograph are still of value.

Vincent of Beauvais

treats of the created world, of light, color, the four elements, Lucifer and his fallen angels and the work of the first day.

Bernard Silvestris

There is evidence of influence in the works of medieval and renaissance authors, including Hildegard of Bingen, Vincent of Beauvais, Dante, Chaucer, Nicolas of Cusa, and Boccaccio.

Otia Imperialia

It was written at a time when other encyclopedic descriptions of the world were being produced and translated, such as the Summarium Heinrici, the Hortus deliciarum (Herrad of Landsberg), the Liber exceptionum (Richard de Saint-Victor, Jean Châtillon), the De proprietatibus rerum (Bartholomeus Anglicus), and the Speculum naturale (Vincent of Beauvais).

Ystoria Mongalorum

The manuscript is perhaps most known because it was bound with a manuscript of Vincent of Beauvais' popular encyclopedia Speculum historiale and a spurious map on vellum, the notorious "Vinland map"- no such map is included with a second, older Hystoria/Speculum manuscript volume found more recently.

see also