
3 unusual facts about Vincent of Saragossa

Louis Belmas

He was then made vicar of Saint-Michel de Carcassonne, a role he successfully filled until 1782, when he became a prebendary at the collegial church of Saint-Vincent de Montréal and was summoned by bishop M. Chastenet de Puységur to head the seminary at Carcassonne.

Prison de l'Abbaye

The abbaye dated to the earliest era of Paris, when Childebert I (on the site of a temple to Isis or Ceres according to legend) founded a monastery dedicated to the Holy Cross and to St Vincent of Saragossa, which later took the name of its administering bishop Germain of Paris.

Vincent of Saragossa

King Afonso I of Portugal (1139–1185) had the body of the saint exhumed in 1173 and brought it by ship to the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora in Lisbon.

Coat of arms of Lisbon

The image on the coat of arms commemorates the transfer of the relics of Saint Vincent of Saragossa from Cape St. Vincent to Lisbon.


Throughout the years the church had different patron saints: Saint Lupus, Saint Vincent (a tribute to the many vineyards the town formerly counted), Saint Fiacre and now Saint Honestus.

see also