
unusual facts about Vos'moy Mart Rocks

Vos'moy Mart Rocks

Mapped from air photos and surveys by the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition, 1956–60; remapped by Soviet Antarctic Expedition, 1960–61, and named Skaly Vos'mogo Marta (March 8 Rocks) in recognition of International Women's Day.

Arnau March

Its final tornada makes reference to mercès a vós demana ("thanks to your pleading"), which may be an allusion to the local cult of Barcelona for Mary Mother of Mercy.

Bares y Fondas

# "Vos Sin Sentimiento" ("Thou Without Feeling") (Flavio Cianciarulo) – 4:38

Hubert Vos

The Louvre Museum (Paris, France), Bonnefanten Museum (Maastricht, Netherlands), the Chicago History Museum, the Fogg Art Museum (Harvard University), the Honolulu Museum of Art, the Luxembourg Palace (Paris), the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian American Art Museum are among the public collections holding works by Hubert Vos.

John Daniel Runkle

Runkle become aware of the work of Victor Della-Vos's work in Russia at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition in 1876, he was impressed by the combination of theoretical and practical learning.

Joos Vincent de Vos

Vincent de Vos was born in Kortrijk, Belgium in 1829 to father Jan Eugene Vos a miller, and mother Marie Anne Verhaeghe.

Middle Party for City and Country

The Middle Party entered in the 1929 elections, who held a personality-based campaign around the Bussum milk industrial and anti-toll campaigner Floris Vos.

The electorate of the Middle Party was concentrated in Amsterdam and 't Gooi, a region around Hilversum, where Vos came from.

No sos vos, soy yo

No sos vos, soy yo (international, English title: It's Not You, It's Me) is a 2004 Argentine film directed by Juan Taratuto, starring Diego Peretti, Soledad Villamil and Cecilia Dopazo.

Redemptive-historical preaching

Vos was instrumental in taking the discipline of biblical theology in a more conservative direction, using it to vindicate the Reformed faith and historic Christianity over against theological liberalism.

Richard Gaffin

He has contributed to or edited several volumes, including Jerusalem and Athens (a Festschrift for Cornelius Van Til), Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation; The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos (editor), Biblical Principles & Business: The Foundations, Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, and the English translation of Reformed Dogmatics by Geerhardus Vos.

Roelf Vos

At the time of the final loss of the Roelf Vos name, the stores in Launceston included a CBD store (Wellington Street), as well as Newstead, Kings Meadows, Prospect Vale, Riverside and Newnham.

Rovos Air

Rovos Air was established in 2002 by Rohan Vos the owner of Rovos Rail, the operators of the prestigious Pride of Africa.

Simon Doria

The tenso with Alberto, possibly Alberto Fieschi, N'Albert, chauçeç la cal mais vos plaira, is found only in chansonnier called "troubadour manuscript T", numbered 15211 in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, where it is kept today.

Škoda VOS

The Škoda VOS is a large sedan/saloon car produced by the by Czechoslovakian automaker AZNP at their plant in Mladá Boleslav between 1950 and 1952.

Spanish grammar

For instance, people in Maracaibo may use standard vosotros endings for vos (vos habláis, que vos habléis).

Stratus Technologies

That line runs the VOS operating system, which originally had many features inspired by or derived from Multics.

Valiants Memorial

The wall of the staircase is decorated with a quotation from The Aeneid by Virgil: Nulla dies umquam memori vos eximet aevo, "No day will ever erase you from the memory of time".


Among languages with true subjects, in Hadza the word order VOS is extremely common, but is not the default, which is VSO.


Over the years it published the work of several Flemish authors, such as Jan Frans Willems Reinaert de Vos and Julius de Geyter, Johanna Courtmans-Berchmans, Tony Bergmann, Cyriel Buysse, Virginie Loveling, Maurits Sabbe, Paul Kenis, Karel Jonckheere, Marcel van Maele, Willem Roggeman, and Clem Schouwenaars.

Yvonne Cartier

In 1946, following in the footsteps of Bettina Edward's student Rowena Jackson, she emigrated to England on scholarship to the Royal Ballet School, studying with Winifred Edwards, George Goncharov, Vera Volkova and Audrey de Vos.

see also