
unusual facts about Vote for Change? 2004

Vote for Change? 2004

He asked them if they would be interested in working with Pearl Jam, and mentioned that the band would be going out on the Vote for Change tour prior to the 2004 presidential election.

Alabama elections, 2004

The 2004 United States Senate election in Alabama took place on November 2, 2004 alongside other elections to the United States Senate in other states as well as elections to the United States House of Representatives, various state and local elections, and the presidential election of that year.

Alan Z. Thornburg

In 2004, Thornburg sought a full eight-year term on the North Carolina Court of Appeals, but was defeated by Barbara Jackson in the statewide judicial elections.

Bob Kilger

He lost his seat in the 2004 election to Conservative candidate Guy Lauzon.

Bob Schaffer

Coors went on to lose to Democratic nominee Ken Salazar in the 2004 general election.

Bodo Ramelow

In June 2004 the party gained its best result in Thuringia since German reunification with 26,1% of the votes.

Brian Mason

Mason held his seat during the provincial election in 2004, which saw the caucus welcome the return of former leaders Pannu and Ray Martin, along with newcomer David Eggen.

Champika Ranawaka

Originally a member of the Sihala Urumaya, a Sinhala nationalist political party, he joined the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) political party along with members of the Sihala Urumaya as only supportive and advisory personal, when it was formed in 2004 to wield candidates who were all Buddhist monks, for Parliament in the 2004 general election.

Charles F. Knight

A Republican, he has supported John Ashcroft, Bush Cheney '04, Rudy Giuliani, Roy Blunt, John McCain, Mitt Romney.

Chihuahua state election, 2004

As the count progressed, Javier Corral Jurado of the PAN – representing an unusual alliance of his party and the left-leaning PRD – conceded the election at around 23h00 local time.

Cypriot Annan Plan referendums, 2004

The British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said, "We will respect the choice which Greek Cypriots have expressed today. But I hope that they will continue to reflect on whether this choice is the right one for them."

Gaspar Llamazares

In the 2004 general election, Llamazares was elected Deputy for Madrid (as it is tradition for the Prime Ministerial Candidates of the national parties to be candidates for Madrid) but IU obtained its worst result ever with only 3 seats in Congress (5 in coalition with Initiative for Catalonia Greens).

Irish presidential election, 2004

Vincent Salafia – Environmental activist and anti-motorway campaigner

Jay Warren

Jay Warren was elected Mayor of the last remaining British dependency in Oceania in the general election held on 15 December 2004, defeating Brenda Christian, who had held the Mayoralty in an interim capacity following the dismissal from the post of her brother, Steve Christian, by the British authorities on 30 October 2004, following his rape convictions.

Jean-Guy Carignan

With the Quebec East riding boundaries redistributed in 2003, Carignan contested the Louis-Saint-Laurent electoral district in the 2004 federal election as an independent candidate but finished in sixth place while Bernard Cleary of the Bloc Québécois won the riding.

Jim Silye

In 2004, he ran in the Alberta Senate nominee election for a place in the Canadian Senate.

Joe Lockhart

He worked as press secretary for several Democratic politicians, including Walter Mondale, Paul Simon, and Michael Dukakis; he was an advisor to John Kerry during his 2004 presidential campaign.

John DiStaso

Today DiStaso writes the paper's weekly political column, "Granite Status" and was one of the moderators for the 2004 Democratic presidential candidates debate held on January 22, 2004 in Goffstown, New Hampshire.

Kenzie MacNeil

MacNeil ran as a Conservative Party of Canada in Cape Breton—Canso in the 2004 and 2006 federal elections, coming third and second respectively behind Liberal incumbent Rodger Cuzner.

Live in Buffalo: July 4th, 2004

The concert was shot and recorded in downtown Buffalo on Niagara Square in front of Buffalo City Hall.

Liverpool Walton by-election, 1991

They did not place fourth in an English by-election again until the Hartlepool by-election, 2004.

Malaysian general election, 2004

The third opposition party, the Democratic Action Party, which was routed in the 1999 elections, improved its performance with the re-election of party chairman Lim Kit Siang and his deputy, Karpal Singh.

Mano Wijeyeratne

Mano Wijeyeratne served as Member of Parliament for 17 years and had been elected to the parliament from Kegalle District four times in the years 1989, 1994, 2000 and 2004.

Maurice Tougas

He was first elected in the 2004 election, when he defeated incumbent Progressive Conservative Bob Maskell, but did not seek re-election at the conclusion of his term.

Mo Elsalhy

He was elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta representing Edmonton McClung in the 2004 general election for the Alberta Liberal Party.

Montana gubernatorial election, 2004

He called for new uses to be found for crops like mint and for small businesses to pool in purchasing health care.

National Bank of the Republic of Abkhazia

On 10 November 2004, during the height of the post-election crisis, President Ardzinba dismissed Boris Zhirob as Chairman of the National Bank and temporarily appointed Vice-Premier Emma Tania in his stead.

National Minimum Drinking Age Act

When brewing magnate Pete Coors raised the drinking age as a campaign issue during the 2004 U.S. Senate race in Colorado, Republican leaders praised his stand on States' rights but distanced themselves from apparent self-interest.

New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador leadership election, 2006

Norman ran unsuccessfully in the 2004 federal election in the riding of St. John's South and in the 2006 federal election in the riding of St. John's South—Mount Pearl.

Nigerien presidential election, 2004

Mahamane Ousmane – Democratic and Social Convention-Rahama (CDS-Rahama)

North Dakota gubernatorial election, 2004

Satrom called for North Dakota to introduce a one thousand dollar donation limit, for individuals and political action committees, to avoid any perception of conflict of interest.

Ong Tee Keat

He went on to hold the seat for four terms before contesting and winning the newly created Pandan parliamentary seat in the 2004 general election.

Paul Macklin

The CA and PC parties merged in late 2003, and Macklin faced a much more difficult challenge in that year's federal election, defeating Conservative Doug Galt by only 313 votes.

Pearse Doherty

On 11 June 2004, he ran simultaneously in the 2004 European Parliament elections and in the local elections for Donegal County Council.

Pennsylvania State Treasurer election, 2004

Jean Craige Pepper, an Erie financial executive, was the only Republican who filed.

Response Dynamics

Fundraising solicitations form the College Republican National Committee in 2004 appeared to be solicitations for Republican National Committee or Bush-Cheney 2004, misleading many elderly contributors.

Samuel Hoar

His son, Samuel Hoar (1927 - 2004), of Essex, Massachusetts also was a senior partner in the firm formerly known as Goodwin, Procter and Hoar.

South African general election, 2004

The Inkatha Freedom Party lost some support, including the majority in their stronghold province of Kwazulu-Natal, while the United Democratic Movement also lost support, barely hanging on as opposition in their stronghold, the Eastern Cape.

St George, Queensland

It gained national attention with the election of local accountant Barnaby Joyce to the Australian Senate following the 2004 federal election.

Suresh Premachandran

Suresh returned to Parliament in April 2004, this time representing Jaffna for the TNA.

United Kingdom local elections, 2004

The councils of all the metropolitan boroughs in England and all the principal areas of Wales were all up for re-election, along with many other district and unitary authorities throughout England.

United States House of Representatives elections in Georgia, 2004

These elections were held concurrently with the United States presidential election of 2004, United States Senate elections of 2004 (including one in Georgia), the United States House elections in other states, and various state and local elections.

United States House of Representatives elections in Hawaii, 2004

These elections were held concurrently with the United States presidential election of 2004, United States Senate elections of 2004 (including one in Hawaii), the United States House elections in other states, and various state and local elections.

United States House of Representatives elections in Kentucky, 2004

Reporter Nick Clooney, the father of renowned actor George Clooney, became the Democratic nominee; Geoff Davis, Lucas's opponent in 2002, became the Republican nominee.

United States House of Representatives elections in Oklahoma, 2004

These elections were held concurrently with the United States presidential election of 2004, United States Senate elections of 2004 (including one in Oklahoma), the United States House elections in other states, and various state and local elections.

United States presidential election in South Dakota, 2004

SD is allocated 3 electors because it has 1 congressional districts and 2 senators.

Valley County, Montana

In 2004 Valley County voted 62% for Bush/Cheney (GOP) and 36% for Kerry/Edwards (DEM) for president.

Venezuelan regional elections, 2004

The 2004 regional elections of Venezuela were held on 31 October 2004 to elect 22 governors and 2 metropolitan mayors for a four-year term beginning in 2004 and ending in 2008, when the next regional elections were held.

Waramanga, Australian Capital Territory

Links to Waramanga polling place results for the 2004 Federal Election and 2004 ACT Legislative Assembly election are listed in the External Links section below.

Wayne Sowell

Wayne Sowell was the Democratic candidate for Alabama in the United States Senate election of 2004.

Zaid Ibrahim

Zaid contested and won the Parliamentary seat of Kota Bharu in the 2004 general election.

see also