
unusual facts about Wahhabi


All-Tatar Public Center

However, some sources state that in the 1990s some ATPC leaders had contacts with the Wahhabis in Ichkeria and with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Freedom of religion in Iraq

Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) Resolution 201 of 2001 prohibits the Wahhabi branch of Islam and mandates the death penalty for adherents if the charge is proved.

Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahhab

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792), Salafi theologian and founder of the Wahhabi movement

New Age Islam

In addition, it also publishes conservative views of Deobandi Wahhabi scholars such as Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi, and translates opinion pieces from the Urdu press.


Generally, they were seen as unbelievers and suffered Wahhabi raids, with a notorious massacre in ĘżArĘżar valley.

Television in Saudi Arabia

For many years, Wahhabi clerics opposed the establishment of a national television service, as they believed it immoral to produce images of humans.

see also