He also coached some brilliant cricketers like Wallis Mathias, Antao D'Souza, Khalid Wazir, Wasim Bari, Rashid Israr, all who ended up as Test cricketers for Pakistan.
John Wallis | Barnes Wallis | William Mathias | Wallis Simpson | Mathias Rüegg | Mathias Eick | Bob Mathias | Mathias Goeritz | Wallis Mathias | Wallis Clark | Sue Wallis | Henry Wallis | Gary Wallis | Wallis and Futuna | Roger Wallis | Peter Mathias | Oswald Mathias Ungers | Mathias Zdarsky | Mathias Richling | Mathias Fink | Mathias Färm | Jim Wallis | Gary wallis | Bill Wallis | Alo (Wallis and Futuna) | Wallis Annenberg Hall | Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts | Wallis Annenberg | Wallis | Velma Wallis |