
unusual facts about Welsh Assembly

Average worker's wage

Examples of people taking only an average worker's wage are Socialist Party politician Joe Higgins, former MP Dave Nellist in the UK, John Marek, Forward Wales' Welsh Assembly member for Wrexham, and Sinn Féin politicians in Ireland.

Cardiff Bay Barrage

One of the most prominent critics was the then Cardiff West MP, Rhodri Morgan (Labour), who was later to become First Minister of the Welsh Assembly.

Halsbury's Statutes

It provides updated texts of every Public General Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, Measure of the Welsh Assembly, or Church of England Measure currently in force in England and Wales (and to various extents in Scotland and Northern Ireland), as well as a number of private and local Acts, with detailed annotations to each section and Schedule of each Act.

Rebecca Evans

As a concert singer, she has appeared at the BBC Proms and the Edinburgh Festival; at a Gala Concert to celebrate the opening of the Welsh Assembly in the presence of the Queen and the Prince of Wales; and in Bremen with Andrea Bocelli and the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

Spillers Records

A local campaign to save the shop was initiated, including a petition initiated by Owen John Thomas (then the Assembly Member for South Wales Central), and supported by members of the Welsh Assembly, the Manic Street Preachers and Columbia Records.

Stephen Gorard

His research has been funded by bodies including the ESRC, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Brookings Institute, HEFCE, QCA, Welsh Assembly, and the Education Endowment Foundation

Welsh housing crisis

However the Welsh Labour-Liberal Democrat Assembly coalition rebuffed these proposals, with Assembly housing spokesman Peter Black stating that "we can not frame our planning laws around the Welsh language", adding "Nor can we take punitive measures against second home owners in the way that they propose as these will have an impact on the value of the homes of local people".

see also

Colwyn Philipps, 3rd Viscount St Davids

He was the only Conservative member of the Welsh National Assembly Advisory Group, and his work in relation to Welsh devolution was described by Dafydd Elis-Thomas (Welsh Assembly Presiding Officer) as "the most significant contribution of any Welsh Conservative politician to the cause of devolution; If Ron Davies was the architect of devolution, Colwyn was his enthusiastic draughtsman. His encouragement was unstinting".

Welsh Conservative Party

Their first Welsh Assembly leader, the former Welsh Office Minister Rod Richards, showed a combative style of politics against the Labour Assembly government.