
3 unusual facts about Wen Tsing Chow

Programmable read-only memory

The PROM was invented in 1956 by Wen Tsing Chow, working for the Arma Division of the American Bosch Arma Corporation in Garden City, New York.

Wen Tsing Chow

Mr. Chow, working for the Arma Division of the American Bosch Arma Corporation, pioneered the use of digital computers in missile, satellite and spacecraft guidance systems, leading the design of the United States Air Force Atlas E/F ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) all-inertial guidance system and guidance computer, the first production airborne digital computer.

Zhou Wenjun

Wen Tsing Chow (1918–2001), or Zhou Wenjun, Chinese-born American missile guidance scientist

see also