
unusual facts about Wendland


Since 1989, a cultural festival, the Kulturelle Landpartie, has taken place in the Wendland annually between Ascension Day and Pentecost.


Wulfstan sailed from Hedeby (Haithabu), Jutland to Truso in seven days keeping Weonodland ("Wendland") on the right as far as the mouth of the Weissel (Vistula).

Gunhild of Wenden

In the 13th century collection of sagas, Heimskringla, Snorri Sturluson tells that Sweyn Forkbeard was captured in an attack on the Jomsvikings, and turned over to Burislav, king of Wendland.

Principality of Lüneburg

In 1592, after the death of Duke William, the territory was enlarged with the Ämter of Hitzacker, Lüchow and Warpke, but Henry's demands for a transfer of sovereignty were not met.


After some shows, the vocalist Wolfgang Wendland from the band Die Kassierer helped the band by pressing their debut 7” Stand Up and Fight, from this point, the band started to create themselves a name and a reputation, playing shows on Europe and having a second pressing of the debut EP.

Wolfgang Wendland

Wolfgang Wendland (born 9 November 1962 in Lünen, Germany) is a German musician, actor, film producer and politician.

Wustrow Dumme

During its course it passes Bergen an der Dumme, before discharging into the northward-flowing Jeetzel near Wustrow, hence the first part of the name.

see also