
2 unusual facts about Wilfried Martens


Wilfried Martens, Prime Minister of Belgium from 1981 to 1992, states in his 2008 memoirs that the period of "eurosclerosis" was brought to an end by the 1986 Single European Act which re-launched the drive to integration by framing the single market of the EEC.

Hubert Detremmerie

Together with Wilfried Martens, Alfons Verplaetse, and Jef Houthuys, he met at Poupehan between 1982 and 1987 to discuss the social and economic situation of Belgium.

Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu

He has held disscusions with the former Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, the President of EPP, Wilfried Martens, the Secretary-General of PdL, Angelino Alfano, the Secretary-General of Union for a Popular Movement, Jean-François Copé, and the leader of EPP europarliamentary group, Joseph Daul on the accession of Civic Force at EPP.

Rik Torfs

Between 2007 and 2009, he had his own 'conversation' program at Canvas called Nooitgedacht (Never Thought), a series of 30 in-depth conversations with notable guests, including Wilfried Martens, Guy Verhofstadt, Louis Michel, Philippe Claudel, Kamagurka and Liesbeth List.

see also