
4 unusual facts about Wolfgang Tiefensee

Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer

The Social-Democrat Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee was to present a law project before the council of ministers which envisioned to sell 25% of the Deutsche Bahn beginning of 2008.

Sonderzüge in den Tod

On 1 December 2006, the German federal minister of transport, Wolfgang Tiefensee, and Mehdorn agreed upon the establishment of a touring exhibition about the deportations to be located at railway stations .


German federal transport minister Wolfgang Tiefensee announced the decision after a crisis meeting in Berlin at which industry representatives reportedly revealed that costs had risen from €1.85 billion to well over €3 billion ($4.7 billion).

Wolfgang Tiefensee

Wolfgang Tiefensee, whose father was the musician and conductor Siegfried Tiefensee, is also known for playing the cello, a talent that he successfully incorporated into Leipzig's Olympic bid.

see also