
unusual facts about Worcestershire sauce

Dyson Perrins Laboratory

It was founded with an endowment from Charles Dyson Perrins, heir to the Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce company, and stands on the north side of South Parks Road in Oxford.


The invention of currywurst is attributed to Herta Heuwer in Berlin in 1949 after she obtained ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and curry powder from British soldiers in Germany.

Food Standards Agency

In February 2005, the agency announced the discovery of the dye Sudan I in Worcester sauce, prompting a mass recall of over 400 products that used the sauce as a flavouring.

Steak Diane

Ingredients vary; they may include butter, mushrooms, mustard, shallots, cream, truffles, meat stock, A1 Steak Sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.

see also