
4 unusual facts about World Wide Molecular Matrix

Peter Murray-Rust

In 2002, Peter Murray-Rust and his colleagues proposed an electronic repository for unpublished chemical data called the World Wide Molecular Matrix (WWMM).

World Wide Molecular Matrix

First proposed in 2002 by Peter Murray-Rust and his colleagues in the chemistry department at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, WWMM provides a free, easily searchable database for information about thousands of complicated molecules, data that would otherwise remain inaccessible to scientists.

In his CERN presentation, Murray-Rust stated that the WWMM was a "response to the expense of scientific journals," and he asked the rhetorical question, "Can we win the war to make data open, or will it be absorbed into the publishing and pseudo-publishing world?"

In a presentation at the "CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI4)", Murray-Rust said that chemistry actually leads other fields in published data.

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