
7 unusual facts about Xenophon

354 BC

Xenophon, Greek historian, soldier, mercenary and an admirer of Socrates (b. c. 427 BC)

427 BC

Xenophon, Greek historian, soldier, mercenary and an admirer of Socrates (d. 354 BC)

Edward Spelman

In 1742 he translated Xenophon's Anabasis, under the title ‘The Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, with Notes Critical and Historical,’ London.

Mimesis Criticism

In addition to imitating the Septuagint and Homer's Odyssey, MacDonald proposes that Mark's Gospel and Luke-Acts used the following literary models: Homer's Iliad, several Homeric Hymns, Euripides' Bacchae and Madness of Heracles, and dialogues by Plato and Xenophon about Socrates.

Paul Kearney

However, Kearney was quickly signed-up by publisher Solaris Books, who contracted him to write a new fantasy epic entitled The Ten Thousand and based loosely on the Anabasis of Xenophon.

Šaloun's Villa

The Art Nouveau design was developed by Saloun and includes the inscription "'The Sea! the Sea!" which is thought to be a reference to the statement reported by the historian Xenophon of an army whose retreat from Persia took them to the security of the Black Sea coast.

The Forlorn Hope

David Drake, in the link listed below, states to have been inspired by Anabasis by the Greek general/historian Xenophon.

Ancient Thessaly

They corresponded to the Perioeci of Laconica, by which name they are called by Xenophon.

Conspiracy of Cinadon

He assembled other hypomeiones around himself of whom the most dangerous, according to Xenophon, was the seer Tisamenus, a descendant of an Elean of the same name who had received Spartan citizenship after the Greco-Persian Wars.

Cyaxares II

According to Xenophon's Cyropaedia, Cyaxares II followed king Astyages to the throne of the Mede Empire, and was also brother of Mandane, Cyrus the Great's mother.


The surviving Hellenica is an important work of the Greek writer Xenophon and one of the principal sources for the final seven years of the Peloponnesian War not covered by Thucydides, and the war's aftermath.

Hubert Ashton Holden

In addition to several school editions of portions of Cicero, Thucydides, Xenophon and Plutarch, he published an expurgated text of Aristophanes with a useful onomasticon (re-issued separately, 1902) and larger editions of Cicero's De officiis (revised ed., 1898) and of the Octavius of Minucius Felix (1853).


While Xenophon states that the xiphos was more conventional among Greek armies of his time, he recommended the makhaira for cavalry.

No Pokies

Ann Bressington, anti-drugs campaigner, elected in 2006 as Xenophon's first of two running mates


This comparison is also made by several later Greek and Roman writers (10th-century Suidas and Hesychius, 5th/4th-century BCE Xenophon Anab. ii.2.6).

Robert Ker Porter

After a stay at Shiraz, he returned to Ispahan, and proceeded to Ecbatana and Bagdad, and then, following the route of Xenophon's Katabasis, to Scutari.

The Sea, the Sea

According to Xenophon's Anabasis, "The Sea! The Sea!" (Thalatta! Thalatta!) was the shout of triumphant exultation given by the roaming 10,000 Greeks when, in 401BC, they caught sight of the Black Sea from Mount Theches in Trebizond and realised they were saved from near-certain death.

Trial of Socrates

Primary sources for accounts of the trial are given by two of Socrates' friends, Plato and Xenophon; well known later interpretations include those of the journalist I. F. Stone and the classics scholar Robin Waterfield.


the traveller William Francis Ainsworth commented: "The appearance of Zakho in the present day coincides in a remarkable manner with what it was described to be in the time of Xenophon."

see also