
unusual facts about Y-chromosome

Adam's Curse

It can be noted that the Dunnart has a Y chromosome that has shrunk to only 4 genes, the smallest of any mammal, with no apparent ill effect.


Although rarely seen with autosomes, sex chromosome tetrasomy and pentasomy have been reported in humans, including XXXX, XXYY, XXXXX, XXXXY and XYYYY.

Anthony A. Hyman

At the University of California, San Francisco, Hyman was able to investigate the interaction between chromosomes and microtubules that create the mitotic forces that separate chromosomes in the lab of Tim Mitchison.

Archaeogenetics of the Near East

According to DNA testing, Druze are remarkable for the high frequency (35%) of males who carry the Y-chromosomal haplogroup L, which is otherwise uncommon in the Mideast (Shen et al. 2004).

Basal-cell carcinoma

The cause of the syndrome is a mutation in the PTCH1 tumor-suppressor gene at chromosome 9q22.3, which inhibits the hedgehog signaling pathway.

Bolivia maize varieties

These were studied by environment, morphology, and cytological analysis of the chromosomes, resulting in the classification of 7 racial complexes, 45 races and hundreds of agro-ecotypes.


About 4% of patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma have a chromosomal rearrangement that generates a fusion gene between EML4 ('echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4') and ALK ('anaplastic lymphoma kinase'), which results in constitutive kinase activity that contributes to carcinogenesis and seems to drive the malignant phenotype.


The gene and chromosome location responsible for its synthesis have been identified by the group led by Gandhi Rádis-Baptista, working at the Instituto Butantan, in São Paulo, Brazil.

D-bifunctional protein deficiency

Many mutations have been found in the gene coding for D-BP(HSD17B4)on the q arm two of chromosome five (5q2) in Homo sapiens, most notably individuals homozygous for a missense mutation (616S).


This gene encodes a DEAD box protein, and it has a homolog on the X chromosome (DDX3X).

Edible Frog

Hybridogenesis implies that gametes of hybrids don't contain mixed parental genomes, as normally occurs by independent chromosome segregation and crossover in meiosis (see also second Mendel's law, recombination), but intact one of them or two.

Ernest Beutler

A new colleague at the City of Hope and ultimately a lifelong friend, Susumu Ohno had recently demonstrated that the histologically observable Barr body present in the nuclei of mammalian female cells was a hyperchromatic X chromosome.

Familial dysautonomia

Dr. Anat Blumenfeld of the Hadasah Medical center in Jerusalem identified chromosome number 9 as the responsible chromosome.

Heat shock protein

In 1962, Italian geneticist Ferruccio Ritossa reported that heat and the metabolic uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol induced a characteristic pattern of puffing in the chromosomes of Drosophila.

Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz

Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (6 October 1836, Hehlen an der Weser, Braunschweig, Germany – 23 January 1921, Berlin) was a German anatomist, famous for consolidating the neuron theory of organization of the nervous system and for naming the chromosome.

Hermann Henking

The work was the result of a study in Leipzig of the testicles of the Firebug Pyrrhocoris during which Henking noticed that one chromosome did not take part in meiosis.


DPα and DPβ are encoded by two loci, HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1, that are found in the MHC Class II (or HLA-D) region in the Human Leukocyte Antigen complex on human chromosome 6 (see protein boxes on right for links).


It is shuttled from chromosome 12 to chromosome 2 by the Suz-Twelve protein.


Immunodeficiency with hyper IgM type 2 is caused by a mutation in the Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase (AICDA) gene, which is located on the short arm of chromosome 12.


All clinical sub-types of hypophosphatasia have been traced to genetic mutations in the gene encoding TNSALP, which is localized on chromosome 1p36.1-34 in humans (ALPL; OMIM#171760).


A study was conducted to view possible improvements of immunolabeling chromosome structures, such as topoisomerase IIα and condensin in dissected mitotic chromosomes.


X-inactivation, also called lyonization, a process by which one of the two copies of the x chromosome present in female mammals is inactivated

Isodicentric 15

The marker usually exists as an isodicentric chromosome; i.e. 2 copies of a specific part of the long arm of chromosome 15 (most commonly, 15q11.2-q13.1) that is mirrored and doubled, with 2 centromeres and 2 DNA satellites.

Joe Hin Tjio

From 1948 to 1959 he did plant chromosome research in Zaragoza in Spain and spent his summers and vacations in Sweden working with Professor Albert Levan in Lund.

Jumping library

Chromosome jumping (or chromosome hopping) was first described in 1984 by Collins and Weissman.

Kulfo River

Cytotaxonomic analysis of larval chromosomes from the Kulfo River area has revealed the existence of two newly recognized species of Black flies in the river, Simulium kulfoense and S. soderense; yet unlike other Black flies these species are not carriers of Onchocerca volvulus.

Lattice corneal dystrophy

It is caused by mutations in TGFBI gene encoding keratoepithelin, which maps to chromosome 5q.

Lawrence Eron

While at Harvard Medical School, he worked on a research team with the American geneticist Jonathan Beckwith, and in 1969, the team successfully isolated a single group of genes from a bacterial chromosome.

Lethal congenital contracture syndrome

The defective gene associated with LCCS1 is mRNA export mediator GLE1 at chromosome 9q34.

Madison Hemings

1998 DNA tests demonstrate a match between the Y-chromosome of a descendant of his brother, Eston Hemings Jefferson, and that of the male Jefferson line.

Mir-885 microRNA precursor family

Altered expression of multiple genes is observed with miR-885-5p, including the CDK2 and MCM5 genes encoding cyclin-dependent kinase 2 and mini-chromosome maintenance protein MCM5, and also with several p53 target genes.

Morn repeat containing 1

MORN1 is nearby the SKI gene which encodes the SKI protein, LOC100129534, and RER1 gene on the positive strand of chromosome 1.On the minus strand, the PEX10 gene occurs further upstream of Morn1.

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome

Recent work in molecular genetics has shown NBCCS to be caused by mutations in the PTCH (Patched) gene found on chromosome arm 9q.

Personalized medicine

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as imatinib (marketed as Gleevec) have been developed to treat chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), in which the BCR-ABL fusion gene (the product of a reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and chromosome 22) is present in >95% of cases and produces hyperactivated abl-driven protein signaling.

Polony sequencing

Also, it is a very flexible technique that enables variable application including BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) and bacterial genome resequencing, as well as SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) tag and barcode sequencing.

Reis–Bucklers corneal dystrophy

The disease has been associated with mutations in TGFBI gene on chromosome 5q which encodes for keratoepithelin.

Saethre–Chotzen syndrome

Linkage analysis and chromosomal rearrangement revealed the cause of SCS to be mutations in the TWIST gene (twist transcription factor gene) located on chromosome 7p21.

Smith–Fineman–Myers syndrome

Some patients with SFMS have been founded to have a mutation of the gene in the ATRX on the X chromosome, also known as the Xq13 location.

Sokolov's dwarf hamster

Cricetulus sokolovi was previously attributed to C. barabensis obscurus, but was elevated to species status in 1988 due to differences in its chromosomes and fur.

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis

Even then, certain conditions must be met such as chromosome integrity, the state of chromosomal replication, and the functioning of the Krebs cycle.

Susumu Ohno

He also discovered in 1956 that the Barr body of mammalian female nuclei was in fact a condensed X chromosome.


Syndromes that may be accompanied by radioulnar synostosis include X chromosome polyploidy (e.g., XXXY) and other chromosome disorders (e.g., 4p- syndrome, Williams syndrome), acrofacial dysostosis, Antley-Bixler syndrome, genitopatellar syndrome, Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome, hereditary multiple osteochondromas (hereditary multiple exostoses), limb-body wall complex, and Nievergelt syndrome.

The Last Man on Planet Earth

During a war with Afghanistan, an incurable biological weapon called the "Y-bomb", which targets only the male Y-chromosome, is used and results in the eventual deaths of 97% of the world's men.

Ugo A. Perego

Ugo A. M. Perego is a DNA researcher whose main focuses of study have been the origins of Native Americans and the Y-chromosome of Joseph Smith.

Virchow–Robin space

CADASIL syndrome (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy syndrome) is a hereditary stroke condition due to a Notch 3 gene mutation on Chromosome 19.

Weaver syndrome

It can also be associated with mutations in the histone methyltransferase NSD1 gene on chromosome 5q35.

Wilms' tumor

Mutations of the WT1 gene on chromosome 11 p 13 are observed in approximately 20% of Wilms' tumors.

X chromosome

It was first noted that the X chromosome was special in 1890 by Hermann Henking in Leipzig.

see also

Genealogical DNA test

Some genealogy software programs now allow recording DNA marker test results, allowing for tracking of both Y-chromosome and mtDNA tests, and recording results for relatives.


Pseudoautosomal region 3, a region of homologous sequences between the human X and Y chromosome