
unusual facts about Yamna, Sofia Province

Alino, Sofia Province

Alino is a village in Samokov Municipality, Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

Battle of the Gates of Trajan

It took place in the pass of the same name, modern Trayanovi Vrata, in Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

Golak, Sofia Province

Golak is a village in Kostenets Municipality, Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

Historical migration

The Indo-European migration has variously been dated to the end of the Neolithic (Marija Gimbutas: Corded ware, Yamna, Kurgan), the early Neolithic (Colin Renfrew: Starčevo-Körös, Linearbandkeramic) and the late Palaeolithic (Marcel Otte, Paleolithic Continuity Theory).

Khvalynsk culture

It was preceded by the Early Eneolithic or Samara culture, from which it came, and succeeded by the Late Eneolithic, or Early Yamna culture, to which it descended.

Middle Dnieper culture

It has been argued that the area where the Middle Dnieper culture is situated would have provided a better migration route for steppe tribes along the Pripyat tributary of the Dnieper and perhaps provided the cultural bridge between Yamna and Corded Ware cultures.

Migration period of ancient Burma

The Indo-European migration had variously been dated to the end of the Neolithic (Marija Gimbutas: Corded ware, Yamna, Kurgan), the early Neolithic (Colin Renfrew: Starčevo-Körös, Linearbandkeramic) and the late Palaeolithic (Marcel Otte, Paleolithic Continuity Theory).

Ponor, Sofia Province

Ponor is a village in Kostinbrod Municipality, Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

Ribaritsa, Sofia Province

Ribaritsa is a village in Etropole Municipality, Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

Samara culture

The Samara culture is considered the eneolithic culture of the region, along with the subsequent Khvalynsk culture and the still later early Yamna culture.

Smolsko, Sofia Province

Smolsko is a village in Mirkovo Municipality, Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

Yamna Lobos

Yamna Lobos with another dancer (Maura Rivera) recorded a cover of "La Cocotera" from the album "Clan Rojo en Verano" in 2005, the track being heard in the summer of that time and where he also obtained a gold disc .

Yamna, Sofia Province

Yamna is a village in Etropole Municipality, Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

see also