
unusual facts about amazon.co.uk

Amazon-class frigate

The Amazon class frigates, or Type 21 frigates, comprising eight ships - the Amazon, Antelope, Active, Ambuscade, Arrow, Alacrity, Ardent and Avenger - launched from 1971 to 1975

Blaque by Popular Demand

Physical copies of the compilation were released to selected marketing stores such as Circuit City and were sold online via Amazon.

Bolivian river dolphin

In 1847, he and Paul Gervais compared it to "Delphinius geoffrensis" (=Amazon river dolphin, Inia geoffrensis), which had been described from a stuffed specimen in Lisbon, and the two were considered synonyms for more than a century.

Breinigsville, Pennsylvania

The town is also the home of a major distribution center for Amazon.

Brown-banded Puffbird

Other localized, small populations occur notably on four tributary rivers: the central Tapajós River, lower Madeira River, lower Rio Negro, and lower Ucayali River; also on the Amazon River, one region downstream of the Tapajós-Amazon River confluence.

Campina Jay

The Campina Jay is endemic to the Brazilian Amazon where it is known almost entirely from within the Madeira-Purus interfluve in the state of Amazonas.

Credit Suisse First Boston

At the same time, the newly global CSFB became a leading high tech banker, acting as lead (or co-lead) underwriter in the IPOs of Amazon.com and Cisco Systems, as well as one time high fliers such as Silicon Graphics, Intuit, Netscape and VA Linux Systems.

Darian Shirazi

Radius tracks 26 million small businesses in the United States in real time and has over half a million pieces of data, which include: social data; government data; people data; business listing metadata; daily deals, like those found on Amazon local; news articles and reviews.

David Nimmer

Along the way, other litigated cases have ranged from the status of Winnie-the-Pooh to the collected choreography of Martha Graham to the Google Books settlement in New York City (still pending, for which he represents the interests of Amazon.com).

Deforestation in Brazil

In an American Meteorological Society Journal of Climate, two research meteorologists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Andrew Negri and Robert Adler have analysed the impact of deforestation on climatic patterns in the Amazon using data and observatory readings obtained from NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission collected over many years.

Dietary supplement

For example, the "natural" best-seller Craze, 2012's "New Supplement of the Year" by bodybuilding.com, sold in Walmart, Amazon etc., was found to contain undisclosed amphetamine-like compounds.

Don Winslow of the Navy

The Universal serials for 1941-42 were meant to run: Riders of Death Valley, Sea Raiders, Head Hunters of the Amazon, Gang Busters.


Kozmo.com raised $250 million in capital and attracted attention from Amazon.com and Starbucks.

Eric Richard Ward

Ward is frequent speaker at Internet industry conferences including Danny Sullivan's Search Marketing Expo, Search Engine Strategies, the Direct Marketing Association, and is also known as the person Jeff Bezos selected to execute the debut publicity and linking campaign for Amazon.com.


This is a similar principle that is utilized by Amazon to provide their users with book title suggestions for the next time they visit the Amazon website.

Expedition Amazon

Computer Gaming World criticized its documentation, but called Expedition Amazon "a very enjoyable game that doesn't take itself too seriously" and suggested that it be played with friends.


Since launch, products and services from brands such as Amazon, British Airways, MTN, Globacom, Guaranty Trust Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Virgin Atlantic Airways and Vodafone Ghana have been rated as either Fantastic or Frustrating.

Google Earth Outreach

In June 2008 a training was given to 20 indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest, such as the Suruí, to help them preserve their culture and protect their rainforest territory from deforestation.

I've Got My Own Hell to Raise

I've Got My Own Hell to Raise was chosen as one of Amazon.com's Top 100 Editor's Picks of 2005.

Kimlinh Tran

She has recorded voices for video game developers such as Winter Wolves (Always Remember Me, Loren The Amazon Princess) and Wadjet Eye Games (Gemini Rue).

Marcia Theophilo

The Amazon rainforest is the topic of Marcia's life and work: its river, people, myths, the animal and plant life, and the effort and persistence to save The Amazon's natural and cultural heritage.

Marnie Woodrow

Spelling Mississippi was short-listed for the Amazon.ca First Novel Award in 2003.

Matt Fishel

The single was released worldwide via digital download on iTunes, Amazon and Google Play on 18 November 2013 as a one-track, non-album single.

Myriad Editions

As of August 2011, Myriad Editions has published several more new novels, including Quilt, by Nicholas Royle, Invisibles by Ed Siegle and 4a.m. by Nina de la Mer, as well as Elizabeth Haynes's Into the Darkest Corner, winner of Round 1 of Amazon Rising Stars.

National symbols of Saint Lucia

The Saint Lucia Amazon (also known as the Saint Lucia Parrot) (Amazona versicolor) is a species of parrot in the Psittacidae family.


Piers Vitebsky, The Shaman: Voyages of the Soul - Trance, Ecstasy and Healing from Siberia to the Amazon, Duncan Baird, 2001.

Nicholas Alkemade

Juliane Koepcke German teenager who survived a 3 km fall after her flight broke up over the Peruvian Amazon.

Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel

After finishing his geography studies he became the leader of a Amazon-Jari-Expedition (1935-1937), supported by both Brazilian and German governments and the Nazi party's Foreign Organization (NSDAP/AO).


The same painting features two other similar "Greek hero vs. Amazon" fighting scenes: Heracles about to kill Andromache; and Telamon attacking Ainippe.

Pavonine Quetzal

In the central Amazon Basin its southeastwards limit is the lower two thirds of the Tapajós River drainage; westwards the Quetzal ranges to the foothills of the Andes, from very northern Bolivia, eastern Peru and Ecuador, and southeastern Colombia.


In 2008, PsyShark had begun distributing digital music (MP3s through known companies such a Beatport, Amazon.com/Amazon MP3, iTunes and others.

River Tyrannulet

The rivers in the Amazon Basin, going upstream are the following: Amazon River, (Tocantins, Araguaia— east of the Xingu), Xingu River, Madeira, and Marañón-Ucayali, (in Amazonian Peru).

Samuel Oschin

He was a noted adventure traveller, retracing Robert Peary's voyage to the North Pole, paddling up the Amazon in a dugout canoe, and crossing the Alps on an elephant following the model of Hannibal.

Shallow Be Thy Game

The CD single for the song is worth over $60.00 on Amazon.com.


It is a multi-carrier shipping software that integrates with over 40 online sales and marketplace systems including eBay, PayPal, Amazon, and Yahoo.

Slate-coloured Hawk

This corridor is about 700 km wide, and includes the confluence areas downstream of the major rivers: Rio Negro, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu, and the outlet section of the Tocantins River in the southeast Basin's neighbouring river system, Araguaia-Tocantins.

Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains

In an interview with amazon.co.uk she reveals she began writing about a fat man doing yoga in the desert whilst studying on the UEA Creative Writing Course and then spent time herself living in the Arizona desert near Tucson.

The Body Silent

He studied many different cultures across the globe, such as the Mundurucu of the Amazon and tribes in the Sahara.

The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of the Church of Scientology

The United States branch of Amazon.com responded to a request for comment about the situation from The Register, and stated: "we're awaiting arrival of the inventory into our fulfillment networks. As soon as we get the books in our fulfillment centers, we'll start shipping them out to customers".

Theodor Fritsch

This book was recently republished by Noontide Press, and was the subject of a media controversy after it was banned by Amazon.com and other online book sellers.

Tio Tjay

In 1971 till 1975 he resided in Manaus, where he befriend with many natives, which gives him an opportunity to enter the Amazon.

Trinidad, Bolivia

Sited on the Southern edge of the Amazon basin on the Llanos de Moxos/Mojos, the climate is hot and humid at all times.

Vampire fish

Candiru (Vandellia cirrhosa), a genera of parasitic catfish native to the Amazon river


Várzea forest, a type of seasonally flooded forest/woodland growing along rivers in the Amazon.

White-tailed Cotinga

The White-tailed Cotinga's southeast Amazon Basin range encompasses the lower drainage, (about one third), of the Tocantins-Araguaia River system, and ends in the east at the Atlantic Ocean in the state of Maranhão.

Yoshiharu Sekino

while still a student at Hitotsubashi University, he cofounded and participated in a university team that descended the entire length of the Amazon, thereafter travelling around south America.

see also

Council for National Security

Anonymous proxy servers through which Thai internet users could access a blocked webpage were also blocked, as were websites from BBC 1, BBC 2, CNN, Yahoo News, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Age, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Yale University Press containing articles about King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Get Into Bed With Google

Get Into Bed With Google: Top ranking search optimisation techniques is a 2008 book by Jon Smith, an Internet marketing expert, entrepreneur and author of the Amazon.co.uk best seller The Bloke's Guide To Pregnancy.