
unusual facts about ballistic missile

Ballistic missile

Ballistic missiles can be launched from fixed sites or mobile launchers, including vehicles (transporter erector launchers, TELs), aircraft, ships and submarines.

Chevaline Re-entry Body

Chevaline was devised as an answer to the improved Soviet defences around Moscow, the system being intended to increase the probability of at least one warhead penetrating the city's Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defences, something which the Royal Navy's earlier Polaris RVs were thought to be unlikely to do.

Coastal minehunter

In a Cold War context it was especially important to protect those ports used by a nation's ballistic missile submarines.

Fort Greely

Fort Greely is currently one of the two U.S. sites housing anti-ballistic missile interceptor missiles, and it is located near the Great circle line from North Korea to the continental United States.

MIM-46 Mauler

The General Dynamics MIM-46 Mauler was a self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system designed to a late 1950s US Army requirement for a system to combat low-flying high-performance tactical fighters and short-range ballistic missiles.

RAF Fylingdales

Its primary purpose is to give the British and US governments warning of an impending ballistic missile attack (part of the so-called four minute warning during the Cold War).

Stanley R. Mickelsen

During his career the Army moved from air defense based on guns to advanced anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ballistic missile systems.


Terra-3 is a former laser testing centre, located on the Sary Shagan anti-ballistic missile (ABM) testing range in Karagandy Province of Kazakhstan.

Type 092 submarine

The 6,500-ton Type 092 Daqingyu (United States Department of Defense designation Xia-class, Chinese designation 09-II) submarine was the first ballistic missile-carrying, nuclear-powered submarine class (SSBN) deployed by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy, and the first SSBN designed and built in Asia.

see also

576th Flight Test Squadron

Whereas the three organizations previously reported, through different commanders, to the 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg AFB, this merger aligned all personnel directly involved with Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) testing at Vandenberg under one commander.

Bharat Aluminium Company

The development of special aluminium alloys for “Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile” – Agni and “Surface Missile” – Prithvi have been significant achievements of BALCO.

Chemical Automatics Design Bureau

In one unique design, the engine is submerged in the UDMH propellant tank to save space (SS-N-23 submarine-launched ballistic missile).


D37D, a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile flight computer

Delta III-class submarine

In February 1973, State Rocket Center Makayev began development of a new two-stage liquid-fueled ballistic missile R-29R (3M40, RSM-50, SS-N-18).


Defense Support Program Satellite, a system for detecting ballistic missile launch and nuclear warhead detonation.

George Washington-class submarine

On 12 February 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized funding for three ballistic missile submarines.

Golf-class submarine

After Halibut discovered a sunken Soviet submarine containing at least one intact ballistic missile complete with nuclear warhead, Melvin Laird, United States Secretary of Defense under President Richard Nixon, approved Azorian.


Hatf-III also known as the Ghaznavi missile is a Pakistani short range ballistic missile which entered service with the Pakistan Army in 2012 after a successful launch conducted by ASFC (Army Strategic Command Force) on May 10, 2012.


HGM-25A Titan I, a United State intercontinental ballistic missile


Hwasong-5, North Korean version of the Scud ballistic missile

Hwasong-6, also a North Korean version of the Scud ballistic missile

Lee R. Scherer

He was special assistant to the assistant secretary of the Navy for research and development from 1956 through 1959, the period when Vanguard, Polaris, and ballistic missile nuclear submarines were developed.

Lincoln Laboratory

The Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) on the Hawaiian island of Kauai is one of the ranges supporting experimental and developmental testing of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.

Mainland invasion of the United States

The risk of cyber-attacks on both civilian and military computer targets was brought to light after China became suspected of using government funded hackers to disrupt American banking systems, defense industries, telecommunication systems, power grids, utility controls, air traffic and train traffic control systems, as well as certain military systems such as C4ISR, and ballistic missile launch systems.

Michael J. Connor

Connor, like all U.S. submarine officers (with the exception of supply officers and some Limited Duty Officers (LDO) and Chief Warrant Officers assigned to Ballistic Missile Submarines) attended Nuclear Power School and received submarine training.


SS-N-23, a 1986 Russian liquid propellant, submarine-launched ballistic missile

North Korean cargo ship seizure in Panama

Following North Korea's testing of nuclear weapons in 2006, 2009 and 2013, and the testing of a ballistic missile in 2012, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolutions 1718, 1874, 2087 and 2094.

Operation Anadyr

A part of Operation Anadyr was Operation Kama, a plan to forward-base seven Soviet ballistic missile submarines in Mariel, Cuba, much like the United States bases ballistic missile submarines in Holy Loch, Scotland.


PGM-17 Thor, the first operational ballistic missile in the US arsenal.

RAF Catfoss

In 1958 the need to base the new Thor intermediate-range ballistic missile led to a massive concrete launch site being built in the centre of the airfield, under the control of No. 226 Squadron RAF.


Rodong-1, a single stage, mobile liquid propellant ballistic missile developed by North Korea with a range of 900-1300km

Samuel Perez, Jr.

Ashore, he served as the program integrator for the Navy Theater Wide Theater Ballistic Missile Defense program at the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), as Future Ships branch head in the N76 Division of the Chief of Naval Operations, on the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the assistant deputy director for Regional Operations and executive assistant to the Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


OTR-21 Tochka, a Russian short-range ballistic missile with the NATO designation "SS-21 Scarab"

Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex

The Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex was a cluster of military facilities near Grand Forks, North Dakota which supported the United States Army's Safeguard anti-ballistic missile program.

United Kingdom Warning and Monitoring Organisation

Ballistic missile air raid warnings for the UK would have originated from the shared UK/USA Ballistic Missile Early Warning System in England, (the site is now upgraded and still operational at RAF Fylingdales, on the North York Moors) and disseminated through UKRAOC to the carrier warning system.

Wen Tsing Chow

Mr. Chow, working for the Arma Division of the American Bosch Arma Corporation, pioneered the use of digital computers in missile, satellite and spacecraft guidance systems, leading the design of the United States Air Force Atlas E/F ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) all-inertial guidance system and guidance computer, the first production airborne digital computer.

William Schneider, Jr.

In that same year he served on the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, which came to the conclusion that Iraq could develop a ballistic missile capable of striking the US in ten years.


In 1990, the station changed its UHF frequency from channel 15 to channel 29, so as to avoid interference to a Department of Defense early warning ballistic missile detection facility located at the Warner Robins Air Force Base.