
3 unusual facts about bee orchid

Bee orchid

Diuris carinata, a species of orchid from the south-west of Western Australia

Ophrys apifera, a species in the genus Ophrys, and the species from which the genus was given its English name

Stonehill Down Nature Reserve

In early summer, Common spotted, Early purple and Bee orchid may be seen, whilst in late summer and early autumn, Autumn Lady's-tresses, Autumn gentian (or Felwort) and Nettle-leaved bellflower are in bloom.

Bull Island

The island is also home to many species of plants including the Bee orchid, Pyramidal orchid and common spotted orchids.

Dunstable Downs

The downs are home to a wide variety of wildlife including many rare wild flowers, such as the Bee Orchid, and different butterfly species, like the Marbled White and the Chalkhill Blue.

St George's Church, Millom

It was designed by Christine Boyce, inserted in 2000, and includes depictions of a bee orchid, a bloody cranesbill, Halley's Comet, and quotations from Nicholson's work.

see also